Yesterday was our one year anniversary of starting Life Church Franklin. Yesterday was a great celebration because we didn't focus all that much on ourselves as we did worshiping God for all he has done.
Believe me, in many ways I am so unqualified to pastor a church but it doesn't matter because God is my provider and source of direction. He is the one that continues to lead people at LC to invite friends and family to come hear the message of Jesus. He is the one who took us from 9 people 1 year ago to over 125 yesterday. He is the one who provided a larger building to facilitate more growth. He is the one who uses His word to challenge and equip believers to a deeper level of faith in Jesus.
It's all him.
I just have to say I am grateful to be a part of it all. I believe God has laid a vision upon myself and LC Franklin to do and reach people for Christ as never done before here in Franklin. Not for my glory or fame, but to bring God all glory and praise. He deserves it all.
Praise God for one year and praise God for what's to come.
When Anxiety Attacks
8 years ago