Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kaleo Week 3 video - Called to Serve (Steven Furtick)

Click play to watch video:

Called to Serve

WOW! That about all you can say after Sunday's experience. God was really working on people this week at Life Church. I was so excited to see so many commit to God's call on their life to serve others in whatever area they are in...motherhood, parenting, construction, business, coaching...it doesn't matter. Everything we do can add to the kingdom of God.
It's not just about the impact of pastors and leaders, it's about each of you committing to serving God at the place your at. Man, he has such big things for you if you can be faithful to Him and see everyday through and know He will use use to lead, bless and point others to Christ Jesus!
I think everyone was really encouraged by Steven Furtick's message. I would encourage you to visit his church's website and view more of his messages during the week. He is a truly gifted speaker and really puts God's word into thought provoking and challenging terms.

Have a great week!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Serving and Generosity

Yesterday we announced at Life Church Franklin some different ways that you can give back, serve, be generous.

Our local food bank, Carnet, is in desperate need of food. Their shelves are barren and empty. With the current state of the economy more people than ever need help. As Christ followers this is a chance for the God's church to shine. We should be on the forefront of reaching out and giving...be generous...serving.

We will be collecting items at the church building (can food and non-perishables) in addition to items for Samaritans Purses Operation Christmas Child.

There are some other ways to be generous as well. I will list them below and tell you how to help.

This is it. This is just one of many opportunities for God's people to rise up and say we will be generous with what God has given me and my family. Please pray about this but also take action. It's time to get out of our chairs and be moved/called into action.

Here's how you can help:
  • Carenet - Bring canned foods and non-perishables the next few Sundays. We want tons of stuff!
  • Operation Christmas Child - Bring items to the church to be packed into shoeboxes. We will have a night at the church where you can come and pack the boxes and wrap them. Right now just bring the items to be placed inside. Here is a list of items you can bring. Click here and scroll down to Gift Ideas.
  • MPP - Tree of Warm. Bring new hats and mittens for children who need these items right here in Franklin. These will be distributed through Macon Program for Progress.
Please something this Sunday. We want to show others we care. We need to be God's church and that means serving and being generous. It is so much fun and honoring to be able to bless others. I hope you will join in!


Kaleo - Week2 "Called to Generosity"

Click Play to Start.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday reflections from Kaleo series - week 1

If you weren't moved to action by Sunday's message you might not be breathing. Check your pulse.

1 Peter 2:21 says: “To this you were called, because Chris suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”

News flash to you and me...we are to be compelled to compassion for others just as Jesus was in His time on earth. He didn't care what people looked like, dressed like, smelled like, etc... He was moved to show love to them and let them know He cared. God cared for them and loved them. Fact is, He loves you and me and we need tons of love and His compassion too.

Folks, we have got to be Christ's body. We can't keep picking and choosing who we want to invite to church or tell about God. We can't turn around and not help someone because they aren't high up on the social scale.

Someone around you is hurting right now. They need love, support, compassion. Get compelled to show compassion, not because I said it, but because Christ showed us compassion first.

Compassion is not convenient and costs us something, but it does change lives!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kaleo - Week 1

This is the first week of our new series "Kaleo". To watch the message please push play.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Gospel

I just had the great pleasure of listening to Franklin Graham at a conference I am attending. Franklin is the son or Billy Graham (if you didn't know).
Franklin had a great reminder for Christians, especially when it comes to sharing Christ. He reminded us that there is power in the Gospel of Jesus. Its not us. It is through the power of the Gospel that people hear and respond to Jesus as their saviour. It's not about us. Its not about how we are or think we might be. Its about the power of the Gospel. If we share it people will respond through the power of God and His word.
So, let's go share the Gospel. Trust that God will work through you as you share it and remember He will do the work and saving.
Be encouraged.