Wednesday, June 30, 2010

4th of July

Looks like we are all set for Church In The Park this Sunday, July 4th. We spent more time this week preparing all the sound equipment and prepping for the food. It's going to be an awesome day as we worship outside the awesome God who created it all. I love that at Life Church Franklin we can try and do things that others might not be willing or able to do. That's what is so much fun about serving and leading at LCF.
I look forward to seeing you there. Be sure to bring your blankets and chairs and dress for the warm weather.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday night reflections

Today was a great day at Life Church. We had a powerful word from Pastor Steven Furtick from Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. Steven spoke about the Unstoppable Power that we all should be walking in as followers of Christ. Wow, was a great message!

The part that really hit me was the thought that we need more of something to really be an impact for God and his causes. That thought that we need to wait to have more money, abilities, talents, etc... is a just a lie. God has given us each a measure of each thing and it's our responsibility to use them to bring him glory and fame to his name.

So, this week I want to encourage you walk in that unstoppable power inside of you that lives in the power of your savior Jesus Christ. Use what he has given you and be his light in this world.

You are unstoppable!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Are Unstoppable

Over the past 3 weeks we have been exploring the One Prayer series with the theme of "Unstoppable". Each week the guest teaching pastor has chosen a specific topic along with Unstoppable....Unstoppable Hope, Unstoppable Courage, etc...
This has been such an amazing powerful series. Today I've thinking specifically about Life Church Franklin and wondering, are we unstoppable? Do we believe that we are unstoppable?
Today I want to encourage you that is you have received and believe that Christ is in you and your savior, than you are unstoppable. The same power that raised Jesus from the grave is alive in you as a follower of Christ. Death couldn't stop Jesus and death can't stop you either. We are alive in Christ. By your faith in Christ you are unstoppable! As we live by God's spirit we are unstoppable!
Live in your unstoppable life today and all that God is wanting and able to do in, through and around you!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why Do We Volunteer?

Every Sunday at Life Church well over 40 volunteers help setup, play music, run lights, teach kids, direct traffic, greet people, etc... It's because of these dedicated volunteers that Life Church is able to happen week in and week out. Myself, the staff and volunteer staff definitely can't do it all by ourselves. I am so incredibly thankful for these volunteers. They are a part of all that God is doing at LCF. They are a direct part of the life change happening week in and week out.

So why is it that we volunteer or ask people just like you to serve? There are lots of good reason. Obviously being a portable church we need help getting things setup and torn down, but there is a bigger reason. Life Church is a part of God's Church. The Capital "C" church. That is you! You are the Church. The Church is not a building. It's God's people living, breathing and serving each other and the world. So, we want you to be a part of what God is doing. You are needed and you can be a piece in the process of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Whether it's parking cars, cleaning up or leading in LifeKIDS you are important and needed.

That's why we volunteer! Not volunteering yet? Find out how right here.

To God be the glory,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Follow LCF on Twitter

If you are on Twitter you can follow LCF staff and the church online with our daily feeds.

Use the following links to follow as you's like:

Lead Pastor Patrick Moore

Worship/Life Groups Pastor Jason Nicholas

Life Church Franklin

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Are You Crazy?

I just had to post this picture of Life Church volunteer Dusty Dills. Dusty took a dive, literally, this past Sunday afternoon from a plane as he went sky diving. The best part? He wore his Life Church tshirt that said "Doing nothing is not an option". He took it pretty literal. Great job Dusty. are crazy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Church In The Park

On Sunday, July 4th we will hold our regular worship experience at the Macon County Rec Park in Franklin. We are calling this CHURCH IN THE PARK.
Here's how its going to work...

Saturday July, 3rd is the annual Franklin area fireworks display, so we will have the rec park to ourselves Sunday morning for a great worship experience on the 4th.

We will hold an amazing worship experience at 10am. Immediately afterward we will begin a lunch BBQ with food, drinks, music and games for adults and kids. Dress will be causal and you will want to bring chairs and blankets to sit on.

Take this opportunity to invite friends and family to this Sunday morning event. It's going to be an amazing time of worship and fun!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pre Sunday Thoughts

I had a few minutes before heading off to bed tonight so I thought I'd share some thoughts form the end of the week and whats to come.

Tomorrow we start a new series call One Prayer. This is an amazing series that united over 1,000 churches across the world to stand together as we work hard to see God's Kingdom built and supported. We will hear from some amazing pastors and one Aussie from a little church called Hillsong (You might have heard of it.).

This is going to be an amazing series leading up to July 4th weekend where we have some great things planned. You do not want to miss Life Church Franklin on Sunday, July 4th!

See you tomorrow morning.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What I'm excited about today...

What a great weekend. I hope you took some time to reflect on Memorial Day and the sacrifices many men and women made for our freedom in the United States. It's humbling to think that people died so I could even site here and write this post today.

So today here is what I am excited about:

- God spoke very clearly to a heart on Sunday. We had 1 decision to commit their life to Christ and others who expressed their heartfelt gratitude and trust in Christ again as well.

- The worship was really strong Sunday. The team did a great job, but the presence of God's Spirit in LCF this Sunday and the actual worship rising from the hearts and mouths of those there was so good. What an awesome time of calling out to God and expressing all our gratitude and thankfulness for all he has done for each of us.

- LCF volunteers are just amazing. How they come together and make Sundays happen is just a pleasure to watch and be a part of.

- Greater things are still to come. God is still moving and stirring here in Franklin is ways I haven't ever seen. Lets stand for his Church and all that he is doing in the Church to build his kingdom.

- We will join over 1,000 other churches across the world this Sunday in our new series One Prayer. One Prayer is a gathering of churches to see the church unite and grow and build God's Church. It's gonna be awesome!