Friday, October 30, 2009

Who Is Life Church Franklin

With the incredible growth happening at Life Church Franklin I think it's important we all know and understand what Life Church Franklin is all about.

We start first with our mission statement of "leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ." That's our core mission. We pray and long to see everyone come to a place of deep repentance before God and allow Jesus Christ to be the savior and Redeemer of their life.

The second part of understanding Life Church is to understand out discipleship process...Connect - Grow - Serve.
We CONNECT Sundays in corporate worship...we GROW in community Life Groups...and we serve our family, community and the world.
It's really a pretty simple approach to the local church. We want to keep things simple. For to long Christians have made the church way to complicated in many different ways.

A third piece of understanding Life Church Franklin is to understand why we do what we do. Sunday worship experiences are built to create a welcoming, friendly, comfortable environment when ANYONE can come and hear the life changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will talk about real life. We will talk like real people. We will be real about the struggles and world we live in. We will NOT fake it.
The fact is, when you get 300 or more people together, we are not all going to agree on everything. Myself and out leadership team know that. We do things for a purpose and sometimes we are going to try new and different things. But, always and I mean always, the intention, the heart and the vision is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

My continued pray is that LCF becomes known as the most "real" church in town. I want you and my family to come and feel free to bring our weaknesses and strengths and let the power of Jesus transform us and renew us...not come with a fake happy face and pretend we have it all together. I will be the first to admit, I don't have it all together.

Thank you for your support and prayers for Life Church Franklin. We pray and believe that God has even greater things to come!


Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Full Time

On Sunday I was able to share some very exciting news about the future of Life Church Franklin. Beginning Thanksgiving of this year I will be serving and leading as pastor of Life Church. This is something that Laurel, myself and our leadership have been praying about for many months.
God has provided and shown us all so much in this journey to going full time and now a new journey begins. I am thrilled to be able to work on ideas, projects and be more available for Life Church.
Laurel and I would appreciate all your prayers for us and our family as we transition and adjust to this new role. Thanks to each of you for being a part of LCF and we hope you are ready for what God has next for us.
Greater things are yet to come!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5 Easy Steps To Wreck Your Life - Week 4

You Version - Online Bible

As the world becomes more technologically driven and our world works and communicates through the web, I wanted you to know that the Gospel is being advanced using this technology.
As a Network church of we have been able to see first hand how is using technology to spread God's Word. A new online Bible community has been created for you and anyone else! This amazing free resource is called You Yersion. At You Version you can read different versions of the Bible, contribute thoughts and so much more. There is even a free moblie app for your Blackberry or iPhone as well! Its what I am using more and more to read the Word. I recommend you check it out today!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Amazed At What God Is Doing

Last week I had the distinct pleasure of spending 3 days in Oklahoma City with the entire staff and several other Network church pastors like myself. Simply put, it was an amazing time for me personally and a time that I believe we will look back and see as another great turning point in the history of Life Church Franklin.


Recently, was named the 2nd largest church in America. It’s really amazing, but more importantly it’s a representation of lives. It is lives that have been encouraged, renewed and changed.


As I spent some time with the staff I was just amazed at how interested they were in what was happening here in Franklin, North Carolina at LCF. They asked all kinds of questions and were so supportive and excited for what God has done.


Each time one of them would say something or express amazement I kind of laughed to myself. I kept thinking, “You guys have 26,000 people coming to 13 campus and we have 300 people… total! Why are you amazed?”. But, it struck me the last day; this is the same thing I do when I hear of a new church plant that is thriving or a church that is coming back to life after slowing dying. I am amazed. It doesn’t matter the context of how big or small it seems to us, we should all stand in amazement and gratitude when God moves in a great way. There’s no jealousy or flippant attitude that it’s just luck. This is God at work in His church for His glory.


So, just as I stand amazed at what God is doing at and Life Church Franklin, I am in amazement at his faithfulness to my friend planting a church this month in north Georgia. I am in amazement because God doesn’t work on our scale of big and small and I won’t either anymore.  

