Thursday, March 24, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

This week in LifeKIDS was a fun week!!! We will be starting a new series with the Motion and All-Stars classrooms next week called Upside Downtown. The graphics for the series is an upside down town!!! So this past week the kids had a chance to “paint the town”!!! We will hang these upside down to decorate the classes for the next 8 weeks. The murals turned out great and the kids had a wonderful time!!!

Our Loop class began a new series called “A-Ha!” on worship and the Quest class began the story from Mark 4 on Jesus calming the stormy sea.

It is exciting to have new volunteers join our LifeKIDS team! I am in the process of scheduling and meeting with them! If you have been thinking about joining the LifeKIDS team, please sign up on the web @ or at guest services in the lobby. We do still need a few more people to help bring up this generation to become fully devoted followers of Christ! Remember, you are a disciple and what better way to share it????

We have the best group of people that help make Life Church happen each week!! I asked for a few people to help with a shipment we got the other day and before the end of that day, there were over 10 people that were ready, willing and able!!! The project was done the next day!!! Thanks for those that offered and for those that were able to make it happen!!

Patrick and Laurel were able to meet all 10 of our children we sponsor through Compassion International while they were in Ecuador last week! I can’t wait to hear more about it! The pictures he posted on face book were great!

Have a great week!
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Around Life

- Sun Stand Still week 1 was all that I hoped and prayed it would be. What an amazing weekend as we experienced God's word in a fresh new way to pray big prayers. Elevation Church's pastor Steven Furtick was just on it this weekend.
I have received tons of positive feedback from many of you praying your sun stand still prayer. If you missed the message please take a few minutes and watch it here.

- This Sunday is the last week we meet in the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts. We will begin meeting at Mountain View Intermediate 5/6 School on Sunday, April 3rd. This is across the road from Macon Middle School. Please let everyone know!

Have a great week!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Around Life

- Yesterday began signups for Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. We have a great couple, Tom and Carrie Hahn, leading the 10 week class. This is the 3 rd year we have done FPU and it has created amazing results for many families getting out of debt.
If you are interested in the class you must sign up next week. Cost is $99 per couple and classes start Wednesday, April 6th at 6:30pm at the Life Church offices downtown Franklin.

- You are a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a follower of Jesus you are a disciple. I was able to team teach with Craig Groeschel yesterday as we talked about you being a disciple. As a disciple you do 3 things:
1. You see a need and you meet it.
2. You find a hurt and you heal it.
3. You do a whole bunch of others things that Jesus asks you to do that don't fit neatly into a point on a page.

- The Servolution team is rocking. Look for opportunites to serve our community over the next few weeks.

- Laurel and I had an amazing trip to Ecuador with Compassion International. Life Church Franklin will soon become more and more involved in what Compassion is doing in addition to the 10 children we already sponsor through our church.

Have a great week and don't forget you are a disciple!

LifeKIDS with Lisa

This week our children in Equador with Compassion International are being touched in a big way!!! Patrick and Laurel were invited to take a trip there with a group of pastors to visit the children and the program! They are bringing with them back packs filled with items to bless the family and special treats for kids too! LifeKIDS also sent letters to these precious kids! I pray they are all blessed beyond measure!

Due to unforeseen circumstances our move to Mountainview Intermediate School has been changed to April 3rd! We are so excited about the changes that we will be able to make with LifeKIDS with this move! We are able to split a few of our classrooms and the new groups will be done by grade level as follows:
Safari-1 year old class
Quest 2- 2 year old class
Quest 3- 3 year old class
Motion -K4 and Kindergarten
All-Stars 1- First and Second Graders
All-Stars 2- Third and Fourth Graders
Loop- Fifth and Sixth Graders
Children will now move up to their new classrooms with the new school year in August instead of with their birthday.

Because of the split in classrooms, we will also need a few more volunteers to step up and plug in! We did get a great response in church this week, but if you are still thinking about making a difference in the lives of these kids, please let me know! One volunteer had a thought of missing adult worship those weeks, but she said that the two weeks on and 4 weeks off would work great and she is looking forward to pouring into the kids!!! I’ll have to say, most of the time people are surprised at how much God can and will grow you through being a part of the lives of the kids!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Around Life

What a great weekend at Life Church!

- Yesterday I challenged many of you to Find Your Fit and volunteer through the many avenues available on Sunday mornings at Life Church. I am honored to say many of you accepted the invitation to be a connector to current of the power of Jesus Christ through your volunteering.
We hope and pray many more of you will choose to volunteer as well.

- You are Salt and Light. What a great message from Pastor Craig!

- God is doing some amazing things in and through our church. Servolution is up and running and we are getting ready to love our city in big ways by serving others.

Have a great week! Please keep Laurel and I in your prayers this week as we travel to Ecuador with Compassion International. I hope to post some pictures this week while we travel.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

Many plans are coming together for our move in less than a month now!! It is getting more exciting the closer we get! This Sunday and next Sunday we will be meeting with classroom teachers and assistants to discuss some of the details of the move.

LifeKIDS at Life Church Franklin is booming!!! A few weeks ago we had 85 kids and this week even with all the sickness going around we had 72! God has a plan for us, and I would love to see us hit 100!!! We had 8 volunteers not able to make it this past Sunday due to illness and were able to fill those with others who were willing to help out!! LifeKIDS volunteers are the best!!!!

All-Stars came over to worship with the adults this week and it is wonderful to see them praise God!! One of the parents said she was so thrilled to see how her daughter was dancing and praising Him!!! Love that child like faith!

All-Stars and Motion classes created a picture or words to describe what LifeKIDS at Life Church means to them, click on the link below to see them: They said it all:)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Have a great week,
LifeKIDS Coordinator