He is risen!
Yesterday was a great celebration of Christ's resurrection at Life Church Franklin. Here's some of the highlights from the day:
- 3 people gave their lives to Christ. These people lives have been changed forever as they pass from death to life in Christ. This is life change. This is what LCF is about. Thank you Jesus!
- We held 2 worship experiences for the first time at LCF. The 9am and 11am were great times of worship and celebration.
- We had a record attendance of well over 700 people.
- We also had a record attendance in LifeKIDS of 116 kids! Thats amazing.
- I got a report last night that the LifeChurch.tv Network (LCF is a part of the Network) had a total attendance of over 32,000 people! That doesn't even include the LifeChurch.tv campuses which I am sure were in the tens of thousands.
- Pray for every guest yesterday that we can connect with them and that they might find their fit at a church likfe LCF or another local church. We want these people to know that we exist for them and want to be resource of hope, truth and love through Jesus Christ.
- I heard great reports from other local churches too. I heard one local church had 20 people give their lives to Christ. That gives me goose bumps. That is so exciting to see and hear God doing great things in other churches here in Franklin!
- I included this video from yesterday. This is Craig Groeschel wrapping up the message in a very unique and "weird" way.
He is risen!
When Anxiety Attacks
8 years ago