Monday, April 25, 2011

Around Life

He is risen!
Yesterday was a great celebration of Christ's resurrection at Life Church Franklin. Here's some of the highlights from the day:

- 3 people gave their lives to Christ. These people lives have been changed forever as they pass from death to life in Christ. This is life change. This is what LCF is about. Thank you Jesus!

- We held 2 worship experiences for the first time at LCF. The 9am and 11am were great times of worship and celebration.

- We had a record attendance of well over 700 people.

- We also had a record attendance in LifeKIDS of 116 kids! Thats amazing.

- I got a report last night that the Network (LCF is a part of the Network) had a total attendance of over 32,000 people! That doesn't even include the campuses which I am sure were in the tens of thousands.

- Pray for every guest yesterday that we can connect with them and that they might find their fit at a church likfe LCF or another local church. We want these people to know that we exist for them and want to be resource of hope, truth and love through Jesus Christ.

- I heard great reports from other local churches too. I heard one local church had 20 people give their lives to Christ. That gives me goose bumps. That is so exciting to see and hear God doing great things in other churches here in Franklin!

- I included this video from yesterday. This is Craig Groeschel wrapping up the message in a very unique and "weird" way.

He is risen!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Around Life

We had an amazing weekend at Life Church Franklin. God was moving in very powerful ways and I am so incredibly grateful to be a part of it.
Instead of trying to describe it in words this week, I have included the video below showing images from the weekend and our baptism bash. Enjoy!

LifeKIDS with Lisa

LifeKIDS has a whole new look in our new location!!! I am so excited, we have completed three weeks in the Mountain View Intermediate School! There are now seven classrooms set up around the school! We have new t-shirts, there are many new faces and the classrooms are all set up in a new way!!! There has been great feedback from parents, teachers and the kids!! I give God the glory for making all this come together!
Some of the comments were:
“It’s great to be closer together and not feel like we are spread out away from the adult experience.”
“The energy level is high!”
“I love the way things are set up!”
“Having everyone under one roof is so much better!”

There is always room for improvement and of course we are working through those details!
However, none of this would be possible without the amazing dedication and willingness of our volunteers! It takes many hands and hearts to come together to make this happen each week. From the set up/tear down team, check in team and of course the AMAZING LifeKIDS team! Thank you to each one for all you are doing to make Life Church and especially LifeKIDS happen each week! Our heart is to give others what they need to become fully devoted followers of Christ! If you aren’t connected to a team but God is prompting you to use your gifts please fill out a volunteer commitment form either on-line or at the guest services table in the lobby!

Although Easter is late this year, I can’t believe it is already Easter, this year is going by fast! I love all that Easter represents and sharing that truth with the kids is such a privilege! This past week we had three classrooms creating resurrection eggs to go and tell everyone they know the Easter story. Our 5th and 6th graders have been helping to serve the church and this week helped put together almost 100 of our new guest packets! (awesome job)
The Baptism Bash was incredible, be sure to check it out on our web site, I love seeing lives being changed!

Amazed at the wonder of it all!
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator
Life Church Franklin

Monday, April 11, 2011

Around Life

- Week 2 of WEIRD was so incredible. The key take away from the message was:
We are praying for you, your family and our church to be "Weird" in a God way.

- Moving to Mountain View School has been an incredible experience for our church. The intimate feel with still plenty of room has created an real cool Sunday environment. The work our AV, Worship, and Setup/Tear Down Teams are doing is a fantastic display of selfless volunteering to the local church.

- Next week we are holding another Baptism Bash. We have several people getting baptized. It's one of my favorite things to be a part of at Life Church. I hope everyone will come ready to party and celebrate these people's lives in Christ!

- This WEIRD series is only going to get weirder. Just a heads up. :-)

- Last thing...I love my church!

Have a great week.


LifeKIDS with Lisa

So last week I opened one of my devotions and found this: Just as God guided the Israelites through unknown territory, He will guide you and me, too.
"Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before."
Joshua 3:4a (NIV)
That was so appropriate for our move week! I knew God would show up and take care of everything but my flesh kept wanting to “worry” about the details of the unknown! This was a great reminder!!!

This week one of my devotions was as follows :"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and said, 'Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?'"
2 Samuel 7:18 (ESV)
Have you ever been in a place of "thus far?" A place where you are experiencing God's blessing and favor on your life. Not blessings and favor by the world's standards of materialism and wealth, but by the Lord's standard of provision, protection, providence, and peace that come from walking in His presence daily.

Both spoke of circumstances we are walking through as a church and of course me personally! I just love how He is always speaking to us in so many different ways!

Overall, I think things went very well for our first week! It was wonderful being able to set up on Saturday, but I know that will be a bit challenging this Sunday AM! I have heard some great feedback on the adult experience and LifeKIDS!

After church I was able to be part of leading a child in prayer to Christ! That was a wonderful time for all involved and I felt so blessed!

Every volunteer was so willing to help and go over and above what is normally asked of them! A great big thank you for all those that helped to bring it all together!!! We are planning for two Easter services (9:00 & 11:00) so that will be my focus for the next few weeks!

Have a great rest of your week,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator
Life Church Franklin

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Around Life

It's been a little while since I've posted here on the LCF blog, but it's also been really busy.

- We had an amazing first Sunday at our new portable location, Mountain View Intermediate School. We had over 450 in attendance and 7 people gave their lives to Christ. Many of them are going to be getting baptized in a couple weeks at our Baptism Bash (April 17th)!

- One of our Lifers, Brooke Young, took some great photos of our first Sunday at the new location. You can view the pictures here:
Thanks Brooke!

- LifeKIDS was a huge day too. We had 89 kids in LK! These kids are learning foundational truths of God's love, grace and mercy at their level. Life change is happening from the youngest ages at LCF.

- I am so incredibly proud of the LCf staff and volunteers. It took alot of work to get here, but God is honoring your efforts to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Thank you!

- I love my church. Thank you Jesus for using us to build your Kingdom.

- Greater things are still to come.

Have an amazing week.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Big Move

This Sunday is our big move to our new Sunday meeting location, Mountain View Intermediate School. It's been a really busy week for our staff and volunteers but we are super excited about this location.

To make things easier for the location change I have written out some things you need to know before Sunday so you can come prepared. Click here to read things you need to know.

See you Sunday!