Thursday, December 29, 2011

LifeKIDS With Lisa

This year we had service on the Eve of Christmas Eve and LifeKIDS was in full swing with a bit of a different feel! To celebrate the birth of Christ the classes were involved in a few fun activities! Our Loop class (5th and 6th) graders were given the opportunity to serve in the younger classrooms and they loved it! After participating in the adult worship experience the All-Stars classes had a lesson on Jesus gift is Salvation and then enjoyed a few fun filled crafts and games! Motion and Quest 3 were excited to celebrate Jesus with a Happy Birthday Jesus party with cake and balloons! Even our 2 year olds got into their nativity sticker activity!
I heard feedback from a few parents stating:
A two year old was naming his nativity pieces after creating the sticker activity!
A three year old started the day Christmas Eve telling his family “Jesus is born”!!
A visitor told the family, “If they do that LifeKIDS thing again, I want to come back”!
Out of the mouths of babe’s! What a blessing they are!

As you reflect on 2011 and look toward 2012 remember “All things are possible with God”, don’t try to do it without Him!

Happy New Year,
Lisa Hanna
Life Church Franklin
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Around Life

- Wrapping up the 2011 year we celebrated the birth of Jesus with our EVE of CHRISTMAS EVE experience on Friday night. It was such a greta time of celebration and worship. It was an honor to be a party of it.

- I am once again so proud of the amazing volunteers at our church. These people work so hard to make our church happen every week. LifeKIDS, Host Team, Worship Team and more just gave everything they had to help make Friday night happen. It was a joy to be a part of it!

- The year is winding down and if you feel God leading you to do so I'd ecourage you to consider a year end gift to Life Church. You can do it safe and secure online at .  I know there are lots of great organizations to give to, but I believe in our church more than anything. We will continue to passionately lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ in 2012!

- If you missed Friday night's message watch is right now:

Happy New Year!











Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Around Life

- What a great weekend! Week 3 of Carols was an amazing message where Pastor Craig Groeschel. What a challenge to live a fully surrendered life to Christ. Take time and visit the Current Series link on our site to watch the message if you missed it. Life Church Franklin Online.

- The worship team did a wonderful job leading us in Christmas songs of worship. It's not easy for these guys to learn and play these songs just a couple times a year at Christmas and I thought they did a great job. Watching our church worship through song is amazing!

- Friday night is our Eve of Christmas Eve worship experience and it's lining up to be very special. We hope you will invite any and everyone you can to this unique experience. We will start at 7pm at Mountain View 5/6 School. There is LifeKIDs for children 6months through 4th grade. We can't wait to see you there!

Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Eve of Christmas Eve at Life Church

A quick reminder from Pastor Patrick about the Eve of Christmas Eve worship experience coming up next week. Check this out:

LifeKIDS with Lisa

I recently read in a devotion by E.M. Bounds on CHARACTER AND CONDUCT:
Conduct, is what we do; character, is what we are. Conduct is the
outward life. Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet
evidenced by that which is seen. Conduct is external, seen from
without; character is internal -- operating within. In the economy of
grace conduct is the offspring of character. Character is the state of
the heart, conduct its outward expression. Character is the root of
the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears.

I think about the family and the impact we the church can have on the
lives of the children, I pray that parents understand how important
their character and conduct is in the lives of their own children!
Parents are the most important role model a child has!!!Others that
have influence on a child should be there to come along side and
enhance what the parents have begun!

Make sure you are instilling Biblical truths into your children, with
the web today there are so many resources out there like Keys for Kids
and I recently found an advent calendar on
Make family time to have game night, pray together as a family, let
you children see you reading the Bible!!

I know many families that are diligent in raising up the next
generation to be a generation that seeks Him and it is evident through
the character and conduct of their children!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will
not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Blessed to be a mom,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Beyond it all

Wow. That's all I know to say about this week. I have been trying to put into words all that God has shown me, for over a half an hour now, and there is really too much! The people on our leadership team who read this will think I'm insane, but this week was SO encouraging for me. The service, didn't go smoothly as far as the music went, or as far as anything went really, and Sunday afternoon, I was really burdened about it. My heart was heavy until Monday at around one o'clock in the afternoon, when God began to encourage me like never before. He took me beyond it all to what He saw. God isn't "stuck" on Sunday, but He sees what is coming. And that's where I want to be. Focused on what is next, not that which lies behind.

In Him Always,

Sarah Lackey

Monday, December 12, 2011

Free Christmas Music

Being a part of from has great adventages. One incredible opportunity that came our way is to be able to offer everyone FREE Christmas music this year. These are great versions of many popular Chrstrmas huymns and carols many people will know.

To download the music for free go to

Around Life

- I'm super excited about the 400+ Christmas music invites that went out with Lifers yesterday for our Eve of Christmas Eve experience on Friday, December 23rd. Our staff is praying for each person invited to come join us that evening to learn about and worship our savior Jesus!

- Yesterday was our 3rd week of the series Carols. What a great one it was. "O Come All Ye Faithful" was our carol we looked at. It's amazing to think at how faithful God is to us. What a reason to celebrate.

- We are thrilled at the potential Life Group leaders we are meeting with this week. We are praying for tons of new groups to begin in the new year that will build community and allow others to grow in their faith in Jesus.

- Keep inviting your family and friends to Life Church. God is continuing to do great things and we pray he gives us even more opportunity to reach and lead more people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

LifeKIDS Fun:
The Loop had fun a couple of
weeks ago with their lesson, check out the “left over mix” they were challenged to drink!! Just a little cranberry sauce, corn and brownies!!! This week they will have more fun celebrating the birth of Christ with some extra fun games!! Don’t miss it!

LifeKIDS Volunteers: I have to brag on a few of our amazing volunteers so willing to go over and above the call of duty to plan the lessons for our kids!! They make sure that Jesus is brought to kids of every age! It is a blessing to work with each volunteer and I often hear back how much our volunteers love their time with the kids! We just opened up a class that begins with 6 months old and in a few weeks will actually have a lesson to bring Jesus to their level through songs and small toys!!

Have a great week,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


These past couple weeks at Life Church, God has been doing some amazing things behind the scenes, in the hearts of our worship team. God has opened my eyes to the little things that scream out UNITY. Not only is God uniting our hearts as a team, but He is making clear His heart's desire for our church as a whole: To be Found in HIS heart, seeking HIS will, Persistently pursuing HIS purpose for the lives of those inside and outside the walls of our church. Sarah Lackey Creative Arts

Around Life

- What an incredible start to the Christmas season with week 1 of "Carols". Pastor Craig Groeschel brought a powerful word about hope in Christ through the mist of all life brings. Watch the message right here. - We are so excited about the next few Sundays at LCF as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and then make plans to attend our EVE OF CHRISTMAS EVE worship experience on Friday, December 23rd at 7pm at Mountain View 5/6 School! We have some amazing invites for you this Sunday to give your friends and invite them to this experience. We will give you a chance to get the invites this Sunday at LCF. - I just have to take a moment and brag on our amazing volunteers. These people are leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ by leading LifeKIDS, worship, A/V Tech, parking cars, leading Life Groups, etc... Thank you! - Continue to pray for our future location at the Whistle Stop Mall in Franklin. This is a great opportunity for our church to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Get fired up Lifers! Blessings, Patrick