Tuesday, January 31, 2012

LifeKIDS With Lisa

God is so good and his wonders are shining in LifeKIDS!
  • Our Safari class is so sweet and we have an amazing new team serving there! God has placed a burden for this age group and their families on Julie Sistik, therefore she is heading up a curriculum for them!
  • Several of our volunteers have just had babies or will be having babies very soon, so that Safari class should be very full within the year!!
  • New volunteers are being placed in several classrooms and they are loving their time bringing Jesus to the kids level!
  • Loop leaders met and are implementing new ideas as they lead and are looking forward to building relationships with the kids through outreach and some fun activities planned for the year!
  • Kids are inviting friends to come and hear about Jesus!!
  • A new family said, “Thank you and all of the volunteers for the warm welcome! Our son really enjoyed his time on Sunday and we will definitely be back.”
  • Our youth volunteers are eager to serve and do a great job!
  • Our building is coming along and the walls for LifeKIDS will be up soon!!! Oh my what will it be like to have classrooms??

I am looking forward to what God has for this ministry and keep my heart and hands open to how He wants to build it! Opportunities are available to be a part of what He is doing through LifeKIDS!! Please pray about joining our team, it is a blessing to pour into the next generation!!

Be an inspiration!!!
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator
Life Church Franklin

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Around Life

Here are some thoughts about things that are going on right now and in the future at Life Church:

  • We are in the middle of this amazing series that is kicking off 2012 called "Better". Craig Groeschel is walking us through how God has shown us in his word how we can live a better, more purposeful life for him. This past Sunday was incredible. Craig nailed it when he said: "Your life is too valuable, your calling too great, and your God too good to waste your life on things that don't matter."
  • We have added an extra week of Better, so it will now be a 5 week series! I can't wait to see what God continues to teach us through these next dew weeks.
  • We had another great week with LifeKIDS. Lisa reported that we had over 76 kids this Sunday. God is doing incredible things through this part of our church. We remain committed to loving and teaching these children about Christ's love for them while partnering with each family.
  • We have an cool event planned for our new building where we will spend time asking God to use this facility to allow us to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus. Look for details this Sunday.
  • SWITCH is in full swing. Jeremy Irwin, our new students pastor, is doing a great job. If you have a student 7th through 12th grade be sure and join them Sunday nights.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

LifeKIDS With Lisa

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16

This verse struck me this week as I read it and made me think about Life Church Franklin and who/what we are. Being a part of the “whole body” is doing your part to “fit together”! At Life Church that means being connected through attending Sunday services, being a part of a Life Group, serving and giving. When you are engaged in each of the above then you are doing your “own special work to help the other parts grow”! Take some time though the fast to pray about your walk with Him. Allow God to stretch and grow you spiritually!

“so that the whole body is healthy and growing full of love.” There are an awesome group of volunteers each week that serve and desire to see others become fully devoted followers of Christ! The opportunities are there for all, small group leaders, host team, worship/tech team, set up/tear down and of course LifeKIDS!!! This week is our Life Group Fair and I encourage all to sign up and become part of a group, God has great things in store for you!

Seeking Him,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator
Life Church Franklin

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LifeGroups with Jeremy

LifeGroups are about LIFE! Taking time to doing life together. People that crave deep relationships coming together regularly to encourage each other, challenge each other, and serve each other. A changed life begins on the weekend but it only in community with other people that the process of lasting change occurs. LifeGroups are a huge part of becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. And hey, if your not in one… your missing out! So get connected. Join a lifegroup on Jan. 15th at our lifegroups fair. We were never meant to do life alone…

Live Life,
Jeremy Irwin