Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday reflections from Kaleo series - week 1

If you weren't moved to action by Sunday's message you might not be breathing. Check your pulse.

1 Peter 2:21 says: “To this you were called, because Chris suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”

News flash to you and me...we are to be compelled to compassion for others just as Jesus was in His time on earth. He didn't care what people looked like, dressed like, smelled like, etc... He was moved to show love to them and let them know He cared. God cared for them and loved them. Fact is, He loves you and me and we need tons of love and His compassion too.

Folks, we have got to be Christ's body. We can't keep picking and choosing who we want to invite to church or tell about God. We can't turn around and not help someone because they aren't high up on the social scale.

Someone around you is hurting right now. They need love, support, compassion. Get compelled to show compassion, not because I said it, but because Christ showed us compassion first.

Compassion is not convenient and costs us something, but it does change lives!


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