Wednesday, April 29, 2009

There will be pain

"The space between hope and change is pain." - Pastor Steven Furtick (Elevation Church)

Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to share 8 hours in Charlotte with 150 other pastors and the staff at Elevation Church. There was no frills, no lights, no music...just a boat load of practical and heart/vision challenging info. Frankly, I am still recovering from all I learned and heard.

Specifically, Elevation's Lead pastor, Steven Furtick, said something that really struck me. He mentioned that quote above. It was sobering and scary to me. I thought about it all the way home last night. Am I willing to endure the pain it takes to go from hope to change as God moves and works in my life? No one wants to endure pain. Pain stinks. It is scary and draining. For me, I am working through understanding and accepting that there will be pain as I pray for huge things at Life Church Franklin. It's not going to be easy, but it's all worth it.

So for you...are you willing to endure the pain to work from hope to change in your life? It might be your marriage...your finances...your kids. Whatever it is, I am praying for you right now. I pray you will endure the pain to see and make the change God will bring.


Can You See Him? - Week 3

Click here to watchCan You See Him? week 3.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We are out of room!

I have heard this for about 2 months from different people at Life Church. First off, I love it when people say this. It means they are realizing that to reach more people with the message of the Gospel we need more seats, space, kids classrooms, etc... Secondly, it makes me excited for what's to come.
If you asked me if I thought LCF would be where it's at today, I would have said probably not. I learned over the last year that God's gonna do what He wants. If we are ready, willing, open and available he will "show up" do amazing things. I believe He has shown me my faith was way to small for what He could do at LCF. So, now, I am just saying: "Ok God. Whatever. However. As much as you want. I am in." Do I have doubts? Sure. But I keep coming back to Him and believing and trusting for big things.
I believe God has only started in this movement and community we call Life Church Franklin. He is not done and we should never be either. Let's keep praying for big things. Asking Him for more people to share the truth of Jesus with. Asking him to provide and make a way for it all to happen.
Some people might thing we are already to big at LCF. Sure, we have to manage the growth and stayed connect (that's what Life Groups for), but there are people all around us in Franklin that are lost in darkness and going to hell unless we speak up and share God's truth. Craig Groeschel recently said that his church,, can't be called a megachurch when 4 billion people in the world don't know Jesus.
We can't never be satisfied that we have shared or reached enough people with the Gospel! I pray it burns in your heart, soul and mind that we have a lot of work to do and through God's power He can use us to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ!


Can You See Him? - Week 2

"Can You See Him?" Week 2

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Not Always Easy

Being a follower of Jesus is not always easy. In fact, it's probably harder most of the time than it is easy. But, man is it all worth it.
When I am tired and down because of bad news...Jesus is still alive and strong.
When I get overwhelmed by work and finances...God has a plan.
When I feel like please people first and God second.....I remember Christ died for me.
When satan tries to convince me I am not qualified or good enough to represent God...I remember the same power that conquered death is alive in me, Jesus!

Remember it's not easy following Jesus. The road to heaven is a narrow one but so worth the journey...even when it's tough.

Hang in there. Call out to Him. Trust and believe.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday Reflections

After an amazing Easter Sunday worship experience I wanted to share a few thoughts.

- Easter was awesome. I was overcome with the magnitude of Jesus' death and resurrection yesterday. It's the real deal. He came to save us from eternity in hell. He rose from the grave 3 days after his death and he is alive.
- I hope the one thing people went away with yesterday is that Christ is alive. We live for a the one true living God. He was, is and always will be with us.
- Seeing someone commit or come back to a meaningful relationship with Jesus never gets old. That was a highlight for me.
- People were dealing some major sin, strongholds and other issues in their lives yesterday and I know God was setting people free from it all. Remember, don't look back, 'cause who the Son set free, is free indeed!
- Easter lunch with my family and friends was so peaceful and refreshing. Sitting on the porch watching the kids play and talking to good friends was like an episode of Andy Griffith for me. Beautiful.
- I am, more so than ever, convinced that God has so much more for you and me and Life Church. I pray you are ready to hang on for this amazing ride.
- I pray you are finding where you fit at Life Church. I pray you are learning and stirring up a servant's heart in your life. We exist to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That include those with Him and far from Him. So, let's make every effort to do it and be the church God wants us to be.