Monday, May 4, 2009

Faith Suckers

As we finished up yesterdays message and the final part of the Can You See Him? series I was really struck by the "faith suckers" comment that guest teacher Herbert Cooper made.
A faith sucker is someone who just sucks the faith out of you. These kind of people bring up doubts and opinions about what God can and can't do. Quite literally, they can suck the faith right out of you.
I starting thinking about people who have been faith suckers in my life. People who said God could or could not do something. The people that kind of laughed at the idea of starting another church in Franklin. The people who talked about how draining it is to be a pastor. It goes on a and on. Sometimes those faith sucker succeeded at draining me. Other times they didn't. The older I get the more I have realized people like that have no place in my conscious and my heart. I have to let it go in one ear and out the other.
Don't let people suck the faith right out of you. Hang on to God and trust that he is always faithful.


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