Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Morning Reflection

Yesterday was pretty amazing. It was great to see all the fathers at Life Church. It was a great day for me personally too. My kids and wife really spoiled me. They are way to good to me.
Anyways, here's just some random thoughts I have this morning thinking about on yesterday and what's to come at Life Church Franklin:

- Yesterday's message was so perfect for Father's Day. Simply put: God is Father. I hope you cling to this and remember he is your father. He is patient and loving and always waiting with open arms for you.
- This Sunday we are having our 3rd Baptism Bash of the year! Amazing! I hope you are there to celebrate along with us.
- Things are moving very quickly in relation to our move to the Smoky Mountain Center for Performing Arts and The Factory. Don't forget we will have a church lunch meeting immediately after worship on Sunday, July 12th to share the vision of the move and opportunities for you to serve.
- We need everyone to find a place to serve. We have an incredible opportunity to turn this community upside down with the life saving message of Jesus, but we can only do it with your help. It doesn't take a ton of time or lots of just takes a willingness to serve others.
- I just have to say that I really love everyone at Life Church Franklin. Many of us are different and I may not know every person personally, but I pray for you and want to see God use you in great ways. God's gifting and opportunities don't just get offered to pastors and leaders. YOU are the church. Be strong. Be proud of the father who lives inside of you and loves you. Use the opportunities God gives you this week to point people to Jesus.
- Be involved with our current series, One Prayer, online at . Join thousands of believers each day praying for the church and encouraging each other.

Have a great week Lifers! Don't forget...Greater things are yet to come, in this city!


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