Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reflections on Sunday

This Sunday was our first at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts. The facility was just amazing. It is so perfectly suited for us to use on Sunday mornings. LifeKIDS went off really well next door at the Fun Factory. I saw a lot of smiling faces from all the kids as they exited the building. Overall, our first Sunday as these new locations was a great success.

It was exciting to see many new faces, but most of all, it was so awesome to see what God was doing. I believe God is positioning us for an opprotunity to see more people come to know Jesus than any time in recent memory here in Franklin. It’s time for us to shkae off the religious shackles that we carry around and just live, breath and speak Jesus into as many lives as possible. I am overwhlemed by the lives I see being changed by only the power of God. Frankly, I am overwhlemed by what he is doing in my life and my family. I acknowledge and give him all the credit and honor for everything good in my life and everything happening at LCF.

So what’s next….

We have got to stay passionate about our personal growth with God. We have to stay in his Word and beg for Him to move and do amazing things in and through us. My prayer is that we never become satisfied with where we are at. There is always more of him that we can chase after. So here are a few random things for you to consider and pray about this week and then put into action:

·        Don’t ever get tired of inviting someone to church…you just never know. We had people come this week that had been invted to LCF for months. Sunday was their first time and they loved it! It’s not up to you to make their mind up for them, but it is up to you to invite them.

·        If you are not signed up to volunteer and serve on Sundays, you are missing out. I want to give a huge shout out to all the LCF volunteers for their hard work this Sunday. It was awesome. YOU are the church. The only way to really BE the church is to serve others. So, stop by Guest Service this week and sign up for something. Serve in LifeKIDs or helping with clean-up. I promise it will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do! Just think, you will be helping to lead and encourage an environment where others can learn to become fully devoted followers of Christ!

·        Come early on Sundays. We really need people to come by 9:30am to fellowship and get settled in. As we add more people on Sundays it gets harder to seat people right at 10am…and we will be staring at 10am each morning.

·        Start gearing up to join a Life Group. Groups meet at different places during the week and are the perfect place to grow more intimate with others and most importantly in your faith. If you don’t plug into one, you will be missing out.


Thanks for being a part of Life Church Franklin! If you are reading this and haven’t made it yet, well there’s a seat for you. Relevant teaching…Modern Worship…Casual Dress. www.lifechurchfranklin.com


In His Grip,



P.S. – I will be posting pictures from Sunday later this week!


Lori Correa said...

God is good! We are excited!

Sam Davis said...

Dr.Blackaby has said, "Find out where God is working...and join Him!" Yeah God!! I've found Him!