Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A quick look back at 2009

Last Sunday I took a few minutes to celebrate all that God has done this year at Life Church Franklin. It's crazy to look back at almost 2 years of history and especially see what has happened this year.
One of the biggest events at LCF in 2009 was obviously our move to a new location. Now meeting at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and the Fun Factory has given us great visibility and space. The space is key for us. We were maxed out in the old location and with the limited choices on other buildings this worked out great. We now have little concern for being hindered by building space. Thank you God!
Besides events like Operation Christmas Child, Holiday Angels, Food Drives, Pillow Drive for REACH and other outreach we did in 2009; it's so exciting what God has done in the hearts of his people at LCF. I have been greatly encouraged by the stories of hope, redemption and salvation that people how found in their time at LCF. All of this comes from our God and our Savior Jesus.
There is so much more, but I think it's time to move forward.
So, what's next for LCF in 2010? Where are we going? I am going to be sharing more this Sunday and for the next few weeks here on the blog. It's time to step it up a notch. God has more in store, but the question is...are we ready and willing? I hope so. I'm in!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Online

Since we will not have worship experiences on Christmas Eve at Life Church Franklin there's no reason to be left out of worshiping with your family, other Lifers and others from around the world. You can join others online with our Network partner LifeChurch.tv with their church online experiences this Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Find out more about church online here. Get worship experience times and join live experiences.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday Reflections

It was great to see everyone yesterday at Life Church Franklin as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus this week during Christmas. Here's a few thoughts from yesterday's message:

- The worship team did a great job. They had to basically redo the whole sound system because the house system was being used by the theater for the choir show going on this weekend. No worries though, because the worship team came through and made it happen. I hope everyone realizes how talented this team is, but more so their heart to lead you into a time to worship God through music.

- The Christmas songs we sang we great. I love the Fee song we did where the chorus leads into Joy To The World. The verse is great too..."All of heaven and all creation sing, the wonders of His love."

- We had a great turnout even with the snow over the weekend. The roads were pretty safe throughout the area, but some folks driveways were a little sketchy, but we still had an above average turnout.

- I was so thankful for all the positive feedback from yesterday's message. When you talk about money, tithing and giving in church some people get sort angry, annoyed or just ticked off. We've never been scared or ashamed to talk about the importance of the tithe (giving 10 percent). I think Craig did an amazing job explaining the tithe and why it's important. Watch the message here.

- Here are some of the key points I took away from yesterday.
- I will give God my first and my best so he can bless the rest.
- Tithing teaches me to put God first
- It requires faith to give first. If you give last, it doesn't require faith.
"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing." - Proverbs 3:9-10

- I was whooped after this weekend. We have been battling some sickness in our house and honestly I was so tired at LCF tomorrow, but I am so thankful it's not about me. Once again, God showed his wisdom, strength and love through the worship experience at LCF. He is the reason we keep moving...the reason I keep moving. Guys, we serve an awesome God who is always faithful. I am honored and humbled by his grace and love that I can serve at LCF.

Have an awesome week. Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Is Community?

The word Community is thrown around alot in church. I use it alot when talking about Life Church Franklin and others do too. So what is it?
My first thought is that it starts with you, not me. Why not me? Well, you have to take the first step in making yourself available. If you don't want to meet new people and building meaningful relationship with others, then what I do doesn't really matter. Building community means putting yourself "out there" to a certain degree. You have to be willing.
The second thought is that community means serving, giving, helping, etc... It can't be about what you're going to get out of it. The saying is, the more you put in the more you get out. That's true in building community. If it's all about you then it won't happen. People will see right through you.
The third thought is that is takes some time and it's a small, but meaningful, circle. As you enter into any environment that is bigger than about 80 people the reality is that you can't know everyone. I have lived in Franklin for over 13 years. I know tons of people through past work experiences, churches, sports and whatnot. Despite what my big city friends think, I dont know everyone in Franklin. It's just not possible and honestly it's probably not healthy. The more you spread yourself out the less time you have to really invest in someone else. Keeping is direct and intentional to a smaller group of people will have greater impact as you building relationships with those people.
The last thought is that you have something to offer. You have something to offer others. It could be your cheerful attitude. Maybe your spiritual gifts. Maybe the food you cook. I don't know what it is, you have to figure that out, but you can give, serve, help, etc... others. Thats where community builds from.
Jesus asks us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Giving, serving, helping... that's what community is.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Time to take a moment and reflect on yesterday's worship experience at Life Church Franklin.

- If you were there yesterday, you know exactly what I mean when I say this...but the worship team was amazing yesterday. The nailed all the songs of worship and helped lead people to a time of praise to our God. I am so thankful for each person involved with that team. The spend a lot of time preparing for Sunday each week.

- The Blessed Life, week 1, was awesome! Take time to watch it if you have not already.

- I am so thankful for those in the church who are praying for the church, for our leadership, our volunteers, our guests and me and my family. Thank you! Please keep praying. Let's continue to pray and beg God for more of Him and His will at LCF.

- I love to see new faces. I met more new people yesterday. It was their first time at LCF. Every week we keep seeing new people checking out LCF and hearing the truth of Jesus. I love it!

- Keep inviting people to LCF. The thought struck me yesterday that we might be getting a little to comfortable at LCF. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That's for you, everyone at LCF and those not yet at LCF. Lets not get tired of inviting people to church to hear the Gospel.

- I am so thankful for everyone at LCF. Thanks for being a part. If you don't feel connected or plugged in please take time to find out about Life Groups and volunteers at our website www.lifechurchfranklin.com or at Guest Services on Sunday mornings.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

LCF Office Construction

We've been working on getting the LCF office in downtown Franklin all setup this week. There's not tons to do, but a few things that needed to be done including closing the office walls in. We are now half way there. I thought I'd just post a few pictures. The LCF office is just inside the walls, but it's exactly what we need right now. We are very thankful to have it.
Feel free to drop by sometime. We will have regualr office hours by the new year, but I'm here most mornings and afternoons. The office is located at 37 Phillps Street in Suite B right above Goshen Timber Frames office. It is right across the street from DNET and Macon Printing in downtown Franklin.
See you soon!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hold Firm

"By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firm to the word I have preached to you. Otherwise you have believed in vain." - 1 Corinthians 15:2

A simple word today....hang on, hold firm, trust God's word and His faithfulness!