Last Sunday I took a few minutes to celebrate all that God has done this year at Life Church Franklin. It's crazy to look back at almost 2 years of history and especially see what has happened this year.
One of the biggest events at LCF in 2009 was obviously our move to a new location. Now meeting at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and the Fun Factory has given us great visibility and space. The space is key for us. We were maxed out in the old location and with the limited choices on other buildings this worked out great. We now have little concern for being hindered by building space. Thank you God!
Besides events like Operation Christmas Child, Holiday Angels, Food Drives, Pillow Drive for REACH and other outreach we did in 2009; it's so exciting what God has done in the hearts of his people at LCF. I have been greatly encouraged by the stories of hope, redemption and salvation that people how found in their time at LCF. All of this comes from our God and our Savior Jesus.
There is so much more, but I think it's time to move forward.
So, what's next for LCF in 2010? Where are we going? I am going to be sharing more this Sunday and for the next few weeks here on the blog. It's time to step it up a notch. God has more in store, but the question is...are we ready and willing? I hope so. I'm in!
When Anxiety Attacks
8 years ago