Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

LifeKIDS Volunteers

Last night we held training for our LifeKIDS volunteers. Wow, what a great group of people. These are the volunteers who lead your kids and others in age appropriate worship experiences every Sunday. These are the people whoa are on the "front lines" leading the children in LifeKIDS to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
First, I am humbled and honor by the work of these volunteers. I have 3 kids in LifeKIDS right now and I am so thankful they work with and lead my children every week. I feel like they are partners with me and my wife in this journey of ministering to my children.
Second, I am so excited about this new season for LifeKIDS. I feel we have an amazing opportunity to reach so many children with the truth of God's word through LK. I believe we will continue to see many children come to a saving knowledge of Christ though the efforts of LK. These children are eager and hungry to know, understand and love the God who made them.
These children are not the church of the future. I believe they are the church. They deserve and will recieve the attention and opportunities we give to our students and adults at Life Church Franklin. Time is short and nows the time to show God's love and grace.
Thank you to all our LK volunteers! God is working and moving through His word and your efforts.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Help For Haiti

Wow. What an awesome showing of people wanting to help this past Sunday at Life Church. We are working with the NC Baptist Association to create Buckets of Hope for Haitian earthquake victims and on Sunday we had fifty 5 gallon buckets available for anyone who want to fill it full of the items needed for it. I was amazed to see people pouring out into the lobby afterward just scooping up all the buckets. We ended up being at least 20 buckets short! We did get 50 more this week and will have them available this Sunday as well.
I was really overwhelmed by how many people wanted to help fill these buckets. We planned on starting with 50 buckets to start and see what the response was. To see us well over 20 buckets short was just awesome. I took it as a showing of how generous God's people can and should be. This is being the church and not talking about being the church. We are all stepping forward to say we will help those in need. We will help the widows and the orphans. We will send more than just our prayers, which are powerful, but we will also send our lives, our resources and our support to help our fellow man.
I am proud of the church Life Church is becoming not because of anything I've done, but because of what God has done. His Word does not return void and to see the compassion of his people in action is awesome.
These buckets are just a drop in the bucket of what needs to be done in Haiti and we are committed to being an active part of helping restore, love and show compassion to the people of Haiti.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Buckets of Hope Project

This weekend Life Church will hand out 5 gallon buckets to any families or individuals who would like to create a "Bucket of Hope" for Haitian earthquake victims. We are partnering with the NC Baptist Association in this effort.

The “Bucket of Hope” consists of a plastic five-gallon bucket packed with the specific items listed below. For approximately $30 you or your family can purchase the materials and assemble a "Bucket of Hope."

Please make sure you follow the list below when packing your bucket.
2 – 5-pound bags long grain enriched rice (smaller bags totaling 10 pounds are acceptable)
1 – 48-ounce plastic bottle cooking oil
2 – 2-pound bags dry red or black beans (smaller bags totaling 4 pounds are acceptable)
1 – 5-pound bag of all-purpose flour (not self-rising)
1 – 20-ounce cylinder container of granulated white sugar (coffee service size)
2 – 1-pound boxes spaghetti noodles
1 – 40oz. plastic jar smooth peanut butter
1 – white kitchen trash can size plastic bag (which will be used to wrap the bottle of cooking oil)

After packing your bucket please return it to Life Church on Sunday, February 21st. In addition, North Carolina Baptists is requesting a $5 or $10 cash contribution placed in an envelope and attached to the lid of the bucket, to offset the cost of transporting the relief buckets to Haiti.

If you would like, you can also buy items needed for the buckets and bring them to Life Church this Sunday or Sunday, February 21st.

The following video shows how to packet the bucket after purchasing all the items.

Face of LCF

It takes a lot of selfless volunteers to make Life Church happen every week. Everything has to be setup, monitored, directed and then torn down every Sunday. These are just a few of the smiling faces that make it happen.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love Words

I saw this video this week and thought it was just to good to not share with you. Enjoy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday Reflections

What a great Sunday at Life Church Franklin. Here's a few thoughts about yesterday's worship experience:

- The new series, "Once Upon A Marriage", was so on point. Bottom line is, we have to make God our number 1 and our spouse our number 2. When we do this everything becomes better aligned and in the right order.

- Our time of worshiping God together was really special yesterday. Jason and the team did an amazing job of leading us into worship. It was really special to see so many people setting aside any distractions or uncomfortableness in just singing out to God.

- I was overcome with the following verse during our worship time: 1 Timothy 2:8 "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."
Paul shared this in addressing the church and their worship. It struck me that the position of lifting your hands is a position of vulnerability. This is one of the weakest physical positions we can put ourselves in. When we lift our hands to heaven we are totally exposed and in a position of saying God I am all yours. I hope many more will find this heart and this position in their worship times on Sundays at Life Church more and more.

-LifeKIDS is getting ready to blow up! We are going to be adding The Loop for 11 and 12 year olds starting February 28th. These kids will worship with their age group in the adult experience and then meet together in the Fun Factory for age appropriate teaching, small groups and more. If you have an 11 or 12 year old you will definitely want to get them involved in The Loop.

- I was flat out amped up from all the amazing times of prayer and stories I got to hear and share at Life Church yesterday. I love the people God is bringing to LCF and love all the stories of life change happening.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why So Difficult?

"Why are we making it difficult for people to come to Jesus?"

This is a quote from a recent book "Think Orange" by Reggie Joiner from Northpoint Community Church in Atlanta, GA. It got me thinking. Why do we make it so difficult? Why are we making church about a list of rules for people to be morally proper and cleaned up before coming to church?

I guess what I'm getting at is, when will we quit making it our goal to change everyone and just allow Christ and his love and his grace change people? My prayer is that Life Church Franklin continues to become and grow into a church where any and everyone is welcome to come hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and allow that message of grace, hope and love to change people. That's why we continue and always will work hard at creating a Sunday morning environment that is safe, secure and comfortable where no one will be distracted by anything but the Gospel.

We also want a church of compassion and grace where no one feels a set of rules makes them closer to God. Following Jesus Christ and living to please him takes care of all of that.

So, how are we as individuals, families and a church going to quit making it so difficult for people to come to Jesus?

By the way...I love the people at LCF! You all are amazing!
