Monday, May 24, 2010

What I'm excited about today...

Yesterday was just plain awesome at Life Church. The message Craig brought was one of the most straight forward, life changing messages from God's word we've ever had. The virtue of integrity really hit home. I think many of us are on a course to living a more godly life of integrity that will bring God even more glory.

Here's a just a few random thoughts from yesterday:

-I am honored and humbled at the people that keep stepping up to serve at Life Church. We can always use more help. but to those of you giving your time and energy to help make Sundays happen at Life Church, I say THANK YOU! (If your not volunteering, please consider it. Get more info online).

-To see what is happening every week in LifeKIDS is almost to much to explain. The teachers in LifeKIDS are giving it their all and the kids are getting feed so much of God's word while having fun. I want us to have an incredible LifeKIDS experience for these children every week. Our volunteers make that happen and it's a pleasure to watch it and see these kids grow. Thank you LifeKIDS volunteers!

-Life Groups continue to blow up. We have over 100 people plugged into Life Groups right now. Whoever says small groups don't or won't work, needs to check ours out. You are all creating godly community. You're learning to "do life together". It's awesome to see. YOU ARE THE CHURCH...NOT A BUILDING!

-Let's let our Yes be Yes and our No be No. Let's all live with integrity and all the while point people to Jesus Christ.

I love our church and all God is doing. I'm praying for each of you daily. Let's keep being his Church!


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