Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Around Life

- We had a few more sign up for our baptism bash this coming Sunday! I'm so excited about our 2nd baptism bash this year. We will hold the baptism at the end of worship. Come and celebrate and cheer these people on as they make this outward expression of their faith in Jesus Christ.

- The Tony Dungy interview was so encouraging. What a godly example of a men who really cares for others. His challenge to each of us to be a mentor and find a mentor is one that I totally second. I think we all need someone who is speaking into our lives to build us up and that we need to find someone to do the same to. I hope some of you are finding your mentors even this week.

- I have 3 mentors that speak life into me as a pastor, father and husband. It's been some of the most rewarding and life changing relationships I've ever had.

- Life Groups are in full swing. If you have not found a group yet or want to get involved take time now and check out the groups available. Here are all the current groups listed on the LCF website.

- We have a Life Group for youth (7th - 12th grade) that is blowing up! This group meets every Sunday night and is a fun, relevant, engaging time for any students in this age range. If you are a student or have one in this age group please come check it out. Email Barry and Deidre Breeden at: or check out the facebook fan page here.

Have a great week!

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