Sunday, November 21, 2010

Around Life

(Looks like we are finally back at it here on the blog. Sorry for the down time and it's great to be back!)

Here's whats happening around Life Church:

- This morning was an incredible time at Life Church. We saw 3 people make a commitment to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In talking about being good stewards of our finances, I talked about being good stewards of our lives. God wants us to live for something more than ourselves. We can only do that and be in His will if we are committed to Jesus Christ. Seeing these 3 lives changed today forever is one of the great joys of leading LCF.

- Thank you to everyone who gave food today for CareNet's food bank. Resources are shrinking and it's our responsibility as the Church to reach out and help organizations and people who need organizations like CareNet.

- Thursday, December 23rd is our Eve Of Christmas Eve worship experience. This will be a Christmas celebration filled with worship music, scripture, communion and more. There will be NO LifeKIDS that night, but we want you and your family to attend together. Bring your family, friends and anyone else to this amazing night. We will start at 7pm at the Smoky Mountain Center of the Performing Arts.

- As we are a few days away from Thanksgiving I think it's very appropriate to let you know that I am so thankful for all the people who make Life Church. I'm thankful for our awesome leadership team, staff, volunteers and congregation.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of Life Church and have a great week!


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