Here's a look at things going on around Life Church:
- Yesterday I shared a story of a young lady who came to LCF and communicated to me that she's always hated church her whole life, but at LCF she loved it. She felt welcome and excited.
That gets me pretty excited. I'm thrilled we are creating a place where people can come as they are and let God change them through his Word and Spirit.
- Please pray for all the sick people in our church and community. The flu and stomach virus are going around really bad. We were 6 volunteers short in LifeKIDS alone due to sickness yesterday, but we still had 72 kids!
- The spirit of God was so amazing yesterday. I kept laughing and then crying to myself on the way home as I thought of all God is doing through our church. We had a man give his life to Christ yesterday. That's something to get excited about!
- The Servolution team had a signup after worship that was great. They did a wonderful job and have created 9 unique serving opportunities for you to help our community.
There will be another chance to signup this Sunday as well. Don't miss this chance to serve others in Franklin.
Have a great week!
When Anxiety Attacks
8 years ago