Monday, February 28, 2011

Around Life

Here's a look at things going on around Life Church:

- Yesterday I shared a story of a young lady who came to LCF and communicated to me that she's always hated church her whole life, but at LCF she loved it. She felt welcome and excited.
That gets me pretty excited. I'm thrilled we are creating a place where people can come as they are and let God change them through his Word and Spirit.

- Please pray for all the sick people in our church and community. The flu and stomach virus are going around really bad. We were 6 volunteers short in LifeKIDS alone due to sickness yesterday, but we still had 72 kids!

- The spirit of God was so amazing yesterday. I kept laughing and then crying to myself on the way home as I thought of all God is doing through our church. We had a man give his life to Christ yesterday. That's something to get excited about!

- The Servolution team had a signup after worship that was great. They did a wonderful job and have created 9 unique serving opportunities for you to help our community.
There will be another chance to signup this Sunday as well. Don't miss this chance to serve others in Franklin.

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Around Life

Its been a busy week around Life Church and God is definitely on the move. This is the delayed version of "Around Life" for this week.

- Myself and Worship/Life Groups Pastor Jason Nicholas spent Monday and Tuesday near Atlanta with 1,000 other church planters from around the country. It was an amazing 2 days of stretching us as leaders in our respective areas of the church including small groups, systems, vision and mission. It was a wonderful reminder that there are a lot of great leaders across the country being a part of building Gods Kingdom through his Church.

- We are celebrating the 4 people who gave their lives to Christ this past Sunday. That will never get old. It's now our prayer and hope to disciple and encourage them in their walk with Jesus.

- The move to Mountain View School is about a month away. We are working hard to get volunteers and other areas finalized and ready. Like everything we've done at LCF, it will be a learning experience but we will make it the best it can be. Our first Sunday at the school will be March 27th. Look for more info to come.

- I just have to say that I love our church. I love the things God is doing in you all and I believe our potential to impact this community is nowhere tapped out. We have a huge mission field right here in our backyard to share and show the love of Jesus Christ so many will know and love him too.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

We had a wonderful day in LifeKIDS this past Sunday!! Each class was able to celebrate Valentines Day in their own special way! Some had a special snack, balloons and Motion had a party! It is so fun and exciting to share Jesus with the kids!

LifeKIDS classes are also continuing to share the love of Christ through Compassion International by coloring pictures and writing letters to these precious children so far away! We are so blessed to get letters and pictures back from them and they are very thankful for the program, to be sponsored and prayed for!!! Please pray for these children and continue to help support them weekly through LifeKIDS offerings.

Some of the kids brought in items to donate to Care Net and we sent home bags for another class to bring their donations this week! So please keep bringing in your donations over the next few weeks! Care Net is very gracious for the all that they receive to help those in need!!

We are busy at the office preparing for our big move the end of March! I am excited for us to all be in the same building and for the possibilities that this opportunity God has given Life Church to help more people become fully devoted followers of Christ!

When you know who you are, you will know what to do! If you are a Christian, you are Christ's ambassador! (Craig Groeschel)

Have a great week!
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Friday, February 11, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

We had record numbers in LifeKIDS this past Sunday with 85 children registered! God is amazing!! Lives are being changed and I pray that many are becoming fully devoted followers of Christ! Our classes are learning how we worship God when we give the last few weeks. Motion (4-5 year olds) were given a bag to bring in tooth paste and tooth brushes to give to those in need. All-Stars (6-10 year olds) will be given bags this week to fill with any personal hygiene products to give to the needy. Our Loop (11-12 year olds) class had a wonderful opportunity last Wednesday to meet at Care Net to learn about what they do and who they help and then were able to spend some time helping with sorting and boxing food. They were encouraged to donate a box of needed items! It was a great experience for these kids to serve others!

I was able to be a part of the outreach meeting this week and many lives are being touched in a variety of ways through this team!! 197 shoe boxes were delivered through Operation Christmas Child, 13 families were touched by Life Groups through Holiday Angel and over 30 loads of wood have been delivered around our community! Look for more information very soon on how you too can get plugged into this team! Over 25 baby bottles full of change were delivered to Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Center this week. Please turn those into the information table when you fill them!

Did you see the wonderful pictures from our kids last week? They were hanging outside the theater for all to see! Check out the blog next week for a better look at these great pictures on what LifeKIDS means to our kids!!

Have a great week,
Life Church Franklin
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Around Life

The last week of I Quit is in the books and what an end to the series it was. Here are some thoughts from the weekend:

- We collected notecards that everyone wrote their fears on so we could as a church lay them down and quit living with them. We prayed over them together and this week our team will continue to pray over them with you.

- 4 people gave their lives to Christ Sunday. That's another thing to shout about. God is good.

- LifeKIDS had another record day. We had 85 checked in this week. God is using his area in big ways.

- $9,000 more was given above and beyond the tithe towards our portable church initiative which puts us at our $30k goal!

- The video and photo crew had a blast with us Sunday shooting video and stills that they will be taking back to share with their church and how we are using the Network to reach our community with the Gospel.

- We are in the mist of some amazing days at LCF. God is really working in people hearts to bring them to him and be used for his plans and purposes. It is so incredible to be a part of this all as we lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vision 2011 Sermon

If you missed Sunday at Life Church watch Lead Pastor Patrick Moore's message for "Vision 2011".

Vision. Can you see it?

This past Sunday I had the honor of teaching and sharing our vision for 2011 at Life Church Franklin. There was so much to share and talk about. Of course the "big news" was important as I got to share about our move to Mountain View Intermediate School for Sunday worship experiences starting March 27th, but there was a lot more.

I think having a vision for the local church is greatly importantly. God is not a haphazard God. He has a purpose and meaning for us, our lives and our churches. We all know the church is here to glorify God and build the kingdom of God, but how do we do that? How do we reach people no one is reaching? How do we connect and grow those in our fellowship? It's called vision.

At Life Church we have a very clear and purposeful vision for who God has called us to be as a local church and also who he not called us to be. We can't and won't be the church for everyone. That's ok, but we are going to give everything we have to be the best church we can in alignment with the vision and heart God has given us.

Vision...leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. connect people in corporate worship through music and worship grow people in meaningful relationship with Jesus and people through Life Groups. serve our neighbors, church and the world

It goes on and on.
Vision. Do you see it?


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

We had an awesome service this week at Life Church Franklin!!! It was our three year celebration and we had a big announcement from Patrick! LifeKIDS started the morning with our biggest prayer huddle ever and Patrick came over to pray with the volunteers and share the announcement of our upcoming move to the Mountain View Intermediate School on March 27th! I loved having almost the whole team together for prayer like that!!!

Two of our LifeKIDS classes were able to be a part of the adult worship experience and then our six to ten year old All-Stars class led the church in “Happy Birthday” complete with party hats and blowers!!! Church ended with an outdoor celebration and a time of fellowship with ice cream sandwiches and balloons!!! So fun:)

LifeKIDS had some difficulties the week before with our check in computers and printers and this week that all went smoothly!! Praise God!

God is growing and stretching LifeKIDS with the last two weeks having over 80 kids join our energy packed, Gospel filled worship/learning experience of God and His word! Two weeks in a row of over 10 visitors!! With that we are also in need of a few more volunteers to help meet the needs to grow His church! After service I did get a great response for new volunteers to join our team, however we do still need a couple more to help with our babies and as a substitute! Please visit our web site at to fill out the volunteer form.

I love doing life with all of you and coordinating LifeKIDS is a joy!
Have a great week and see you on Sunday,
Lisa Hanna
Life Church Franklin
LifeKIDS Coordinator