Friday, February 11, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

We had record numbers in LifeKIDS this past Sunday with 85 children registered! God is amazing!! Lives are being changed and I pray that many are becoming fully devoted followers of Christ! Our classes are learning how we worship God when we give the last few weeks. Motion (4-5 year olds) were given a bag to bring in tooth paste and tooth brushes to give to those in need. All-Stars (6-10 year olds) will be given bags this week to fill with any personal hygiene products to give to the needy. Our Loop (11-12 year olds) class had a wonderful opportunity last Wednesday to meet at Care Net to learn about what they do and who they help and then were able to spend some time helping with sorting and boxing food. They were encouraged to donate a box of needed items! It was a great experience for these kids to serve others!

I was able to be a part of the outreach meeting this week and many lives are being touched in a variety of ways through this team!! 197 shoe boxes were delivered through Operation Christmas Child, 13 families were touched by Life Groups through Holiday Angel and over 30 loads of wood have been delivered around our community! Look for more information very soon on how you too can get plugged into this team! Over 25 baby bottles full of change were delivered to Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Center this week. Please turn those into the information table when you fill them!

Did you see the wonderful pictures from our kids last week? They were hanging outside the theater for all to see! Check out the blog next week for a better look at these great pictures on what LifeKIDS means to our kids!!

Have a great week,
Life Church Franklin
LifeKIDS Coordinator

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