Thursday, July 7, 2011

Around Life

Whoa, it's been a busy few weeks at Life Church Franklin! Here's a few thoughts about what's going on:

- Sunday we kicked off At The Movies with a bang! It was an incredible morning or worship and learning. I was thrilled to share from 1 Kings 19 about Elijah. We looked at the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop to talk about moving from discouragement to encouragement just as the prophet Elijah did.

- Our Servolution team was in full effect again this week. They served cold water and fun stuff to people downtown during the 4th of July parade.

- LifeKIDS is holding a movie night this Friday starting at 8:30pm at the McCollum House in downtown Franklin. Bring your kids, chairs and blankets and join us for some fun.

- Now, on to week 2 of At The Movies. What will this week's movie be? Come join us to find out!


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