Wednesday, February 15, 2012

LifeKIDS With Lisa

I pray you had a Happy Valentine’s Day with the ones you love!! It was fun preparing for LifeKIDS over the last few weeks and taking a break from our regular curriculum to spend some time in the word and see how we can show God’s love on Valentine’s Day!!
Each class in LifeKIDS from 3 year olds up to 6th graders had treats and activities based on scriptures of LOVE!! A great resource that I have been using lately is Ministry to Children and they had an article with a list of verses to use!
Check it out at
The 1st through 4th grade classes made Valentine cards for the nursing home and I heard they loved receiving them! I think the teachers were just as excited as the kids to celebrate!

Friday, February 3 we had our first ever Daddy/Daughter dance with the Loop 5th and 6th grade girls! It was a fabulous night out for all and we look forward to it being the beginning of a wonderful night to be expanded on in the future! Thank you for all that were a part of that night!!

In Christ,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator
Life Church Franklin

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