Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Make Jesus Famous

I have been really hooked on the concept or saying of “Making Jesus Famous”. It’s really not an idea so much as a way of life. I want to point people back to Christ when they see something good in my life. Maybe they see how myself and Laurel walk through a tough time. We want to rely on God. We need to do it more. When God pulls us through those tough times I want to keep pointing to Him. Give Him the honor for it. It’s not me. I can’t do this on my own. Through those expereinces I want to point to Jesus and make Him famous.

Sunday mornings I want to make Him famous. Monday mornings I want to make Him famous. Every moment, every opprotunity I wan to make Him famous. Am I there yet? By no means! Do I want to be there. Oh, ya.

I hope that at Life Church Franklin or any church you may be a part of that you are passionate about making Jesus famous to everyone around you. It’s through your who life that we can do this. Don’t speak empty words. Speak from your heart and with the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. Do it through your actions and deeds for family, friends and people you don’t even know.

How are you going to make Jesus famous today, tomorrow and so on?


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What Is Life Church Franklin?

Good question.

Since We are just roughly 6 months old now it is becoming a question myself and others are hearing more and more. That's a good thing. To me it means people are interested.

First, our number one goal and mission at Life Church Franklin is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We want to see people's lives changes, renewed and restored through the amazing grace and mercy of God.

We are passionate about being God's people beyond the four walls of a building. We want to share Jesus' love in our family and community by our thoughts, words and deeds. It's time to take Jesus outside of the four walls of physical church buildings and bring Him in our everyday lives. Ever breathe, every move...Jesus.

It not complicated. It's not about how many programs and ministries we can start. It's about equipping and encouraging believers, share Christ with those that don't know Him and making Jesus famous in Franklin, NC and around the world!