Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Build Out Process

Here's a look at the build out process of our new location at Whistle Stop Mall in Franklin, NC. We're thrilled that God has provided us this space to lead more people to become fully devoted followers of Christ!

Around Life

It's been a crazy couple months around Life Church but have finally moved into our new location at Whistle Stop Mall in Franklin. It's been an incredible process to see it all come together. We've got 3 Sunday's under our belts in the new location and things have been great. The LifeKIDS area is incredible and the auditorium space is really great for Sunday mornings. I just want to thank every person involved in making this project happen. We didn't want this space so our church could be more comfortable and relaxed; it's for a unique opportunity to see more people come to know Jesus Christ as the savior and the capital C Church grow.

If you have not been to the new location, get here soon!


Friday, May 11, 2012

LifeKIDS With Lisa

Wow, that was quite an exciting start for our first week in our new location at The Whistle Stop Mall!! There was a general buzz in the LifeKIDS area the whole service!! I would have to say the most common comment I heard from people was just “Wow” as they stood and took it all in!  Please tell us what you thought about it!  I loved being there and am so grateful for the many hearts and hands that spent countless hours to make this all a reality! God is so faithful in providing!

Looking forward to week number two!
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator

Thursday, May 10, 2012

We've Moved!

We have now moved to our new location at Whistle Stop Mall in Franklin. This permanent location gives us 15,000 square feet of space for Sunday experiences, LifeKIDS and students. It's been an amazing effort by so many Lifers to help make it happen.
We will continue to ask God for the opportunity to lead more people to become fully devoted followers of Christ through the use of this new facility.
Heres a look at some of the sights from our first Sunday in the building this past weekend: