Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Do You Have Regrets?

I found this on Youtube this morning through another blog. It is very powerful. It's a good time to reflect on regrets from this year and what we are going to do to change them this year in 2009.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday reflections...

Sunday was a great time of worship and continued learning of what it is to pray. Chris Spradlin from the Oklahoma City campus spoke. The talking point that stuck with me was to pray and seek God's priorities, not mine.
That's a tough one. By nature I am selfish. I think we all are in some ways. It's hard not to ask for what we deem as important. Sitting here I am reminded that how much money I make, the house I have, the clothes I wear are not really all that important to God..if at all. What's important are His things. His work. His truth and love. It's all these things and how they are poured into and out of my life. God's priorities are the eternal things.
I will be praying this simple pray this week:
"…your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." - Matt. 6:10
Maybe this is the same prayer you need to pray?

By the way...
Happy New Year!


Prayer - Week 3

Push play to start...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday thoughts...

We had a great time of worship and reflection on the birth of our Savior Jesus yesterday. It was great to see family, friends and new faces too! As we continue to work through this "Prayer" series I wanted to run back through some notes that Craig outlined:
What matters to God when you pray?
-Your relationship matters
-Your motives matter
-The way you live your life matters
-Your faith matters
-God's will matters

-You must have an honest relationship with God through Christ.
"We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will." John 9:31

-I was encouraged to see more and more hands raised in committing to an ongoing, meaningful pray life with God.
-We have to continue to PUSH...Pray Util Something Happens
-Pray and God's word are the food we need to thrive and grow in this Christian faith. Without these 2 things we are not getting the nutrients we need.
-Merry Christmas to everyone. There are no Life Groups for the remainder of 2008.
-See you Sunday!

Prayer - Week 2

Click play to start...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jesus is Christmas...Christmas is All About Jesus

Here is another video that struck me hard this Christmas. It's all about Jesus...nothing else. Watch this...

Monday, December 15, 2008


Is Christmas about Jesus to you...or something else?
Watch this...


Sunday began week one of the "Prayer" series. Here were the main points from the teaching from Craig:

The older I have gotten the more I realize how much God wants me to know Him and have a deep relationship with Him. The only way to have a meaningful relationship with someone is to talk to them. That's what prayer is. It's about talking to God through your day and moments. Worshiping Him, thanking Him, asking Him, repenting to Him, seeking Him, finding Him, etc...

Lets not look at prayer as a chore. It's not about a right and wrong way to do it. the bottom line is just do it. Do it often.

This is a great reminder for me in my prayers:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6


Prayer - Week 1

Click play to start...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Do You Hear God's Whispers In Your Life?

Yesterday was awesome. We were presented an incredible message from Bill Hybels called "Whispers". He just spoke from his heart. There was no outline or notes to the message, just an outpouring of his experiences when God whispered to him.
If you haven't watched the message please do so. It's worth it.
After watching the message I realized how often God had whispered to me and Laurel, especially in the last year with Life Church Franklin.
Here is the deal though...just because your not a pastor or super spiritual (I am not) doesn't mean God will not speak to you. Most of the time we just need to shut up long enough to hear His voice.
My prayer this week is for you to listen and hear god whispering to you what plans He has for you.
Reaching out to a neighbor...calling an old friend...forgiving an old generously to someone in need...etc...
Don't tune in the world so loud that you tune out God's whispers in your life.

Be blessed.


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Monday, December 1, 2008

Thoughts from Sunday

Yesterday was the last week of "Practical Atheist". Craig asked us if we really knew God. Some many people say, "Yah, I believe in God", but the question is really do you know Him? Do you call Him your Savior, your Lord, your Father? Does His Holy Spirit burn inside of you? There's a lot of empty words floating around in our world today. People left in right say they believe in a high power, or God.
God wants us to seek Him. To look for Him in everything. To ask Him for direction. He wants more than words.
I am a communicator. That's the way God made me. I am good with that, but I realize more and more everyday that empty words are just that...empty words. He wants our words to be full of His life, truth, love and glory.
So I ask you today. Do you really know Him. Ask Him for more of Him in your life. Ope your eyes and heart and see Him at work around you and in you.
He wants more than the occasional word or profession of faith. He wants you to know Him.


Practical Atheist - Week 4

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