Monday, August 18, 2008


Wow! yesterday was pretty intense. Carig's messsage on hell was pretty convicting for me. I realized how little I think about the reality of hell for those that don't know Jesus. As followers of Christ we can never ignore that hell exsist or just pretend it's not there. If we believe God's Word is true then we have to believe in the truth of a heaven and a hell. Hell is an aweful opposite to the heaven God wants us to spend eternity in with Him when we have realtionship with Him through Jesus.
I was convisted to pray for family and friends who don't know Jesus and don't know about the awesome heaven God has for His people. My heart also breaks to think of those who don't know Jesus and will spend enternity in isolation away from God.
I am praying that you become passionate about sharing your faith through your words and deeds. Tomorrow may be to late. We must make Jesus famous and proclaim His love, truth and gift of salvation to as many people as we can.
I pray God gives you orpportunites to share Jesus even today.

watch this message from

Trying to make Him famous,

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