Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This is just an honest confession.
My job as campus pastor is to keep the day to day things together...Life Groups, LifeKIDS, worship experiences, etc... These are some things that i can control and prepare for. I am finding the the last few weeks there are so many things I can't control and prepare for. I can't control other people decisions. I can't control certain circumstances.
It can all become overwhelming to realize that I am not in total control. It's my human nature. I realize it's wrong, but it's a battle for me. Each time I have to come back to God and just cry out that I need Him. I have to repent of my selfishness and stupidity that I think I can do it on my own. I don't have total control, but God does. He has perfect timing. Not my timing, but HIS perfect timing.
Each time he reminds me of where he has brought me and brought Life Church Franklin thus far. I can boldly say that God has made the increase. He has brought the change in peoples live through his Word. He has and is in total control...since day one.
Today I am handing over the "keys" once again and asking God to remind me of his power, faithfulness and the reality that he is in control.

God I am yours. You are in control. Have your way. - Amen


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patrick.. many have ended up on the rocks of ruin trying to control the uncontrolable. Jim Rohn says "What we ponder and what we think about shapes the course of our lives..Any day we wish we can discipline ourselves to change it all, any day we wish we can pick up the new book that will open our minds to new knowledge, any day we wish we can start a new activity, and any day we wish we can begin the process of LIFE CHANGE... We can do it next week, next month, or next year, but we Can do it..."
or he says, " We can do nothing at all.. we can pretend rather than perform, and if the idea of changing ourselves makes us unconfortable we can remain as we are.. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "the fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today.."

Pat.. The best choices people can make are ones that are God breathed.. whence life becomes sweet and lovely even in the face of death.. as was experienced by Jesus.. and even in that horror of pain.. what came out of him was what he cultivated inside himself.. and that was LOVE.. GOD... it was WHO He WAS.. and so.. for Life Church and any other Church... it goes back to to the simple example of Jesus when He said.. I only do the things I see my Father doing.. and saying.. and being... Everything is cool man.. Because when people begin to realize that thier circumstances are directly related to thier inner most thoughts and aspirations.. they will put down the wrong "apple", stop asking you for the answers and become responsible for themselves. I have tremedous faith in God to bring these revelations to each of us for His Glory.. and for the maturity of the Body... He say it will be... and so be it... Love you Man. you ROCK STEADY...

Bald Head