Our Sunday worship experience was absolutely amazing yesterday. Tackling Toxic Religion, Craig did an great job talking about the dangers of what the church and Christians can get sucked into.
Here's some thoughts from yesterday and other things at Life Church:
- This message of toxic religion was so personal for me. When we started Life Church I was committed to getting past all the dumb walls and things we put in place at church. The way you dress, the money you have, where you come from, how good you are...all that is such a pile of junk to God and it doesn't have any place in our churches either. This verse is a great warning to us if we start focus on the external:
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence."
Matthew 23:25
- I am so humbled and grateful at the heart of Life Church. Seeing the acceptance of anyone who walks through the doors with the hope and prayer that those people will experience the heart change through a relationship with Jesus Christ is just awesome! Thank you Lifers for praying for, including everyone and welcoming all that enter the doors.
- Life Groups are blowing up again! We are adding 3 more life groups in the coming weeks. We have a new family group and then a men's and woman's group.
Check out all the info on joining a life group right here.- We have the best volunteers. I am so proud of all the people serving each other and our community. It's just so cool to watch.
- We dedicated 3 Lifer babies yesterday. These families are committing to raise their children in a God loving and filled home. Our job as the church is to love and encourage them and their children. Please pray for these families this week.
- The Tony Dungy interview is this Sunday! Invite all your sports friends who love football, the NFL, the colts, Coach Dungy and anything sports related. This will be very powerful.
Have a great week!