I get asked a lot how and what is a portable church? Since we have grown so fast over the last 2 years we have had to adapt and be creative in finding enough room for Sunday worship experiences for adults and kids.
Once God opened the door to use the Fun Factory and Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts for us to use on Sundays we had to figure out how to get all our "stuff" in and out of the buildings each Sunday. For about a year we have been graciously been given storage space at the Factory and theater for the managers. Now we have outgrown those storage rooms. In comes the Life Church trailer.
We now have an awesome huge trailer to safely store all our stuff for LifeKIDS and the adult worship experience in each week. It's some work to load in and load out each Sunday morning but it not that bad.
Our setup team is very faithful in getting there early enough to get the boxes and items out. It works very well.
I am extremely grateful for out volunteers that make it happen each week and that we are able to rent these facilities to have church each Sunday. It has allowed us to not be trapped in a building to small or have a building to big we can't maintain or afford.
Thank you Life Church for making this local church more than just about having a building and being flexible enough to make a portable church work and effective in sharing the Gospel in our community. That's portable church!