- Our LifeKIDS 4-10 year olds helped lead our adult worship experience. It was so cool. The kids did one of their own songs and then led two others with the worship team. We also prayed over them for the new school and for all the teachers in attendance. It was a special moment for me. To see how big LifeKIDs has grown and the joy of the kids was just amazing. We had over 80 kids in LifeKIDS yesterday! God is good.
- After the message from week 4 of Toxic I had the ushers hand out some post it notes. As Craig shared about speaking encouraging and loving words instead of toxic words, I wanted everyone to get a stack of post it note. The challenge was to take the post it notes and write encouraging notes to people all week. When you think of something encouraging, write it down and stick it somewhere for that person. I've already seen post it notes around town!
- Our next baptism bash is September 12th. I would love to see more people get signed up. If you've never been baptized this is your chance. It's one of the things Christ asks us to do after we give our lives to him. It's an awesome outward celebration of the life change inwardly in your life. Email the church office contact@lifechurchfranklin.com if you want more info or to sign up.
Have a great week!
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