Monday, August 16, 2010

Around Life

Week 3 of Toxic is in the books and it was awesome. We will have the message posted to the church website tomorrow evening, so if you missed it please watch it this week.

Here are some things happening this at Life Church:

- The LifeKIDS Great Campout is this Friday night at the Jaycee Franklin Memorial Park at 7pm. This is for 4-10 year olds. (We are not sleeping over night.) It will be a night of fun and activities for our awesome LifeKIDS as they get ready to go back to school. Hope to see you and your kids there.

- The Loop (11-12 year olds) will have a Tailgate Party this Friday night too! It will be at the McCollum House starting at 7pm. Our student ministry Life Group for Youth will be bowling and eating pizza at The Factory too.

- I am really loving our PR (Prayer Room) for people to have prayer after the worship experience on Sundays. It's a more intimate place for anyone to come to and get prayer for anything going on in their life. It's been great to see some of our mature believers in the PR praying for others.

- We are working on a community outreach team that I super excited about. This team will help dream up ideas for us to do even more outreach in Franklin and this region. I look forward to sharing more about it soon.

- More than ever I am so thankful for what God is doing at Life Church. I believe the greatest days are still ahead and that if we stay in His will and seek him in all we do he will do things we could've never even imagined. Hang on Life Church, God is definitely on the move. Lets be ready.


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