Thursday, June 9, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

LifeKIDS has been amazing! So much is happening and God is in control!! A few weeks ago we hit our highest week with 99 kids in attendance! That was wonderful!!! A week or so after that we didn’t have as many children but it seemed like it and one of the host team said she thought the families just kept coming in with more kids! Our volunteers just keep loving on those kids and helping them to see Jesus on their level! This past week we did a volunteer drive and I am excited to say that as God grows the number of children he continues to provide volunteers as well!

We had a fun kick off this week with our new series “To The Depths” curriculum for our pre-K through fourth grade classes and brought in a real slushy machine for the kids!!! It was perfect for the heat we have been experiencing around here lately! The All-Stars have been enjoying playing Marco Polo in class and the Motion class have had fun fishing for their scripture!

The Loop class took part in one of our outreach projects this past Saturday and brought “free” quarters to feed the machines at the laundry mats in town. People were so surprised to be given money and it touched both the givers and receivers! What a blessing it is to see these kids be the hands and feet of Jesus!

It gives me great joy to serve this group of families, volunteers and kids! I am so glad God has me here at such a time as this!

Have a great week,

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