Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

I am so excited about what is happening with our church and the upcoming building project! Being portable is where God has had us since the beginning of Life Church and I thank our amazing volunteers who selflessly give each week to set up, tear down and pour into the lives of our children and families through serving! It takes so many hands to make it happen and it is so rewarding to see be a part of it all each week! When we are in the new building this will have many changes especially for LifeKIDS!! There will be many plans and ideas to come as we put all this together and I ask for His guidance as we make those steps!! LifeKIDS Motion and All-Stars classrooms will have a collection bin in their classrooms over the next few weeks to help with Operation Christmas Child! A list of items to donate will come home with the kids this Sunday! We are in need of a few more hearts and hands to serve in LifeKIDS now!! Please consider being a part of this rewarding ministry! We rotate on a 2 week on and 4 week off schedule, so you won’t have to always miss church! “We love, serve, and care for others because that is normal behavior for people who are filled with God’s Spirit. We are Christians. Christ was the ultimate servant. We can’t help but serve because the Spirit of the Servant has filled our hearts. When we serve, we are just being who we naturally are.” Steve Sjogren Have a great week, Lisa Hanna

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