Thursday, October 27, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

LifeKIDS teachers are the best!!! I heard great feedback from several teachers this past week that the lessons were just great and the kids were so engaged in hearing the word of God! One teacher told me how much the kids loved the topic and activities and how they really seemed to relate to the concept of “Jesus wanting to spend time with us”!!! In another class the teacher said the kids were really enjoying this series and that she really saw how God is working in and through one of the little boys! In one of our younger classes the teacher reported how two children were able to name and relate to the characters in their Bible story! She also just raved about the assistant teachers in the room and what an asset they are to this ministry! It is God who has placed each of us where we are, at such a time as this and I am thankful that He has chosen to use us to speak into the lives of the children! The children are so important to him and they should be to us, they are the future!! One of our big outreach projects is coming up for the children! Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful way to involve your children in outreach by taking them shopping to help pick out the items and then to help pack boxes! Bring donations to church November 13 and sign up at the information table at church to join us November 17 for the Church-wide Shoebox Party! Have a great week, Lisa Hanna LifeKIDS Coordinator Life Church Franklin

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