Monday, October 4, 2010

Around Life

- Discover. Develop. Deploy. Dr. Sam Chand challenged us to do these three things in believing in other people to help their accomplish their God given purposes in life.

- I loved how Dr. Chand said "Hello World!". That was great and he was really talking to the world. The cool think about being a part of the Network is that we are a part of a global network of churches across the world through campus, Network church (like us) and Church Online.

- Thank you to the people who stepped up to volunteer in LifeKIDS. This area of our church continues to grow and we are needing more volunteers. It's so awesome the work God is doing in these children and the volunteers. We still need more volunteers to be extra "hands" around the classrooms. Please consider it and sign up online right here!

- We are super excited about the Servolution Team Meeting this Sunday night. This is for anyone interested in being a part of our core team of outreach. It's a big commitment and will time some time, but it will be tons of fun. We want to make a huge difference in our community through being the hands and feet of Christ. The meeting will take place this Sunday at the McCollum House (next to United Community Bank) at 5pm.

Have a great week. I believe in you and more importantly, God believes in you!


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