Monday, May 2, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

(This was originally posted after Easter Sunday.)
I love being a part of what God is doing at Life Church and LifeKIDS!! This past week was Easter and it was wonderful! We had two services for the first time which meant double the time, volunteers and supplies! I was and still am in awe of our amazing volunteers who so graciously gave of their time to go over and above to help with the extra service! There were over 60 volunteers in LifeKIDS alone! We saw 116 kids between the two services!

LifeKIDS started the Easter story a week ago, so they were able to spend two weeks on learning the true meaning of Easter. Three classes made resurrection eggs to use during the week to share it with others during the week that lead up to Easter.

Sunday little girls came in their best Easter dresses, boys dressed in ties, visitors all around and special snacks to celebrate His resurrection! The kids were able to hear about and have hands on activities to make the story of Easter real to them from our 3 year old class through our 4th grade class! We had jelly beans, balloons, the flowering cross, crafts, eggs, stickers... Both teachers and students seemed to enjoy the lessons!
Mother’s Day is just around the corner! I pray you are making plans to make that special mom of yours know how much she is loved!

Oh, the holidays are great, but let’s remember to spend time daily with our Father! He is the way, the truth and the life!

Hope your week is great!
Lisa Hanna
Life Church Franklin
LifeKIDS Coordinator

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