Monday, November 14, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

A few weeks ago we asked our LifeKIDS Volunteers why they serve in LifeKIDS and here are a few of their responses: There are many reasons why I choose to volunteer to serve LifeKIDS! 1.) To commit my faith and love to my Lord Savior! 2.) To show my appreciation as a parent for what LifeKIDS has done for my own children! 3.) To show how much LifeChURCH means to me and my family and how the church has changed my life forever. 4.) Volunteering is the least I can do to give back to the church and what these kids deserve. 5.) I love interacting and getting to know the families better and to see the faces on the little one’s as they are excited to learn about GOD. 6.) To help shift the workload responsibilities off others so they can enjoy the amazing worship service. I personally serve with Life Kids to give these children something I never had as a child and that is a personal relationship with God thru His son Jesus Christ. Even though these children are small they are willing to learn about God and all that has happened in the past and into the future and that is something so special to watch. The interactIon I have with these children brings me great joy and watching them interact with other children whose families have the same Godly interests as their family makes it even more special for them and for us the teachers. Serving in Life Kids has made a big impact in my life. I have learned, thru the children, that you are never too young or too old to learn about God and all he has to offer us thru His son Jesus. I hope to continue working with Life Kids for many years to come. I love serving in Life Kids. It is a time that I can love on the children and bring Jesus to their level! God uses children and to have a chance to get them passionate for Christ is life changing! There are many others and I hope to share them with you in the future! LifeKIDS is a blessed ministry with awesome volunteers who love the Lord! They truly have a joy from Him that can only be found by serving! I am honored to work with a group of amazing people! Have a great day, Lisa Hanna LifeKIDS Coordinator Life Church Franklin

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