Monday, September 28, 2009

Maybe I Should Be Gone More?

Yesterday was an incredible worship experience for Life Church Franklin and I was there for it. I had planned a trip months ago for this weekend and I am glad I went. I needed a little break to refresh myself and on top of that, it gave the LCF volunteers another chance to shine! I seriously love each and ever person that is giving back, pouring out and sharing love through their serving and volunteering. It is just flat out amazing. On top of everything, we had one of the highest attendances in the short history of LCF with over 350 people! That is just crazy!


I am thinking I should be gone on Sundays more often…I’m kidding of course, but I think it proves a couple of points:

- God doesn’t need anyone specific one of us to do His work, but He is glad to use us for it and we should be honored to do so.

- I am reminded once again, and gratefully so, that this in not Patrick Moore’s church or Life Church Franklin or whatever it gets called, but in reality it is God’s Church. Folks, he is building His Church and we are a small, proud part of it! (Can I get an amen?!)

- God is continuing to do amazing, mind blowing, heart changing, impact making, life saving things through LCF. People are coming back to Him, others are accepting Christ for the first time, people are being discipled and lives are changing by God’s Word, power and love.


These are exciting times for us at LCF and I am praying and begging God to keep bringing more of it. I hope you will join me in that same prayer.



Whatever you want, that’s what we want. Whatever you bring, that’s what we want. Whatever you do, we will praise and worship you for it. Have your way with us and LCF.





Monday, September 21, 2009


Before yesterday’s Sunday worship experience I experienced what I would call distractions. Some of these distractions made yesterday a little more difficult than normal, but because of them I knew God was going to do something amazing. The worship experience was one the most powerful I’ve been involved in with Life Church Franklin and the life change stories I am hearing are very exciting. All that said, it would have been easy to miss what God was doing if I had let these distractions take my energy and focus off of Him. I was reminded of what Jesus said in the book of John. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;…” Satan doesn’t want Life Church Franklin to happen each Sunday. He doesn’t want you and I to hear God’s Word in a way that makes us change our heart and life towards the things of God. He doesn’t want you and I to worship God through song and proclaim God’s power, majesty and glory. He doesn’t want you and I to leave LCF each Sunday living a weeklong life of worship for the God who created and loves you. Satan wants to distract you. He wants to take your mind and heart off the things of God.

As those distractions came yesterday I was reminded of the second half of that verse from John 10. Jesus continues on to say “….I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

There’s always going to be distractions in our lives to try and frustrate us and take our eyes of Jesus, but we must stop and refocus our hearts and eyes on Him and use the distractions as reminders that God is going to be faithful and many times blow us away with what He can and will do in and around us.

So, see through the distractions this week. Use them as an opportunity not to get frustrated, but to refocus your heart, eyes and mind on Him who came to bring you life and life to the fullest!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Yesterday was week 4 at our new location for Life Church Franklin and so much continues to happen. Here's just a few random thoughts from yesterday:

- I have to give a shout out to all the volunteers who make LifeKIDS happen. LifeKIDS is LCF. Let me repeat that...LifeKIDS is LCF. We don't look at our kids ministry as secondary. They are the church. God is teaching these young kids so much about who He is through this ministry and to make it happen we have awesome volunteers. If you have a child in LifeKIDS, it's time for you to find a place to serve as well. We need your help. These volunteers are pouring into your kids lives and you can easily do they same. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to do this and believe me, you'll get as much out of it as the kids will...if not more!

- Yesterday's message was amazing. It was raw and in your face. It was a great reminder for all of us how adultery takes place in marriages. I know no one plans on it committing adultery, but it happens all the time and even in the church! It makes me so sad to see it and just like you I have to keep my guard up. Guys, keep your eyes and hearts pure! Its tough with all the junk around us, but we have to do it. For both you and your spouse...don't give up. Fight for each other! God before God. Beg him to restore your marriage.

- I hope you will take time to invite someone to LCF this week. I am meeting tons of new people every week which is so exciting!

- Make plans to get plugged into a Life Group. It's not to late. Go to the church website or visit Guest Services this Sunday and find out how!

Have a great week!

In His Grip,

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5 Easy Steps To Wreck Your Life

New series starts this Sunday!

Why Life Groups?

 With the large amount of growth we have seen at Life Church Franklin in the last month I think its vital that everyone understands what our Life Groups are all about.


At LCF we have a dicipleship process called “Connect, Grow, Serve” that applies to everything we do. We CONNECT on Sunday mornings corporately through our worship expereiences. We GROW in our Life Group (small groups). We SERVE the world. It’s really pretty simple. We want you to do these 3 things not so we can get your through this cool process we made up, but so we can encourage you to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to serve the world around you.


At LCF we don’t do the traditional Sunday School or lots of other ministries. Outside of Sundays we focus on our Life Groups to plug you into a group of people that you can learn and grow in your faith with. This isn’t some intense Bible study. It’s not an intense accountability group. It’s a safe, comfortable place where you can go to meet others in the church and read, discuss and learn more about God. There’s no right on wrong place to be spiritually. Just come as you are. Find a group. Try one out. There are different times and places.


We don’t want you to get lost in the shuffle of life. We want to see you plug into a Life Group to learn from others and to encourage others. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next candidate to lead a Life Group?


Sign up this Sunday at Guest Services!


For more information about Life Group times, dates and locations read yesterday’s blog post.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life Groups

All adults are encouraged to be in a Life Group. Life Groups are the connection point at Life Church Franklin.
Life Groups are small groups of people who meet regularly in order to make a difference in the community, develop friendships with each other, and challenge each other to be more like Christ. Life Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, parks, libraries, or wherever there's room!The bottom line is this: Life Groups are about living the way Jesus lived, not just talking about it. If you're not in one, you're missing out!
Life Groups will kick off a new study starting the week of September 13th. Starting Point, by Andy Stanley, is an exploration of the Bible’s grand story and where you fit into the narrative. Come as you are and build relationships with others as you embark on this journey. Welcome to the adventure of finding out how the story started … where it’s going … and how you can find your place in it.Please choose one of the Life Group options that would best fit your schedule, fill out the contact information below that group listing on this form and drop it at the guest services table in the lobby today. Life Group leaders will also be available to talk with you and answer any questions. The Starting Point books with audio CD’s are available at Guest Services for $15 each. Please pay by cash or check. Make checks payable to Life Church Franklin. Each Life Groups member will need a Starting Points book.

For complete info on times, places and more for each Life Group click here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finding Your Calling

I read this amazing blog post today from Perry Noble at Newspring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. Many of you know Perry from our One Prayer series we have done the last 2 years. In this blog post (Finding Your Calling) Perry encourages you to find out what God has planted deep inside of you that will lead people to Him and glorify him. I hope this will challenge you as much as it has me.


Read the complete post here.