Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Yesterday was week 4 at our new location for Life Church Franklin and so much continues to happen. Here's just a few random thoughts from yesterday:

- I have to give a shout out to all the volunteers who make LifeKIDS happen. LifeKIDS is LCF. Let me repeat that...LifeKIDS is LCF. We don't look at our kids ministry as secondary. They are the church. God is teaching these young kids so much about who He is through this ministry and to make it happen we have awesome volunteers. If you have a child in LifeKIDS, it's time for you to find a place to serve as well. We need your help. These volunteers are pouring into your kids lives and you can easily do they same. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to do this and believe me, you'll get as much out of it as the kids will...if not more!

- Yesterday's message was amazing. It was raw and in your face. It was a great reminder for all of us how adultery takes place in marriages. I know no one plans on it committing adultery, but it happens all the time and even in the church! It makes me so sad to see it and just like you I have to keep my guard up. Guys, keep your eyes and hearts pure! Its tough with all the junk around us, but we have to do it. For both you and your spouse...don't give up. Fight for each other! God before God. Beg him to restore your marriage.

- I hope you will take time to invite someone to LCF this week. I am meeting tons of new people every week which is so exciting!

- Make plans to get plugged into a Life Group. It's not to late. Go to the church website or visit Guest Services this Sunday and find out how!

Have a great week!

In His Grip,

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