I am so amped up about what's coming for our LifeKIDS worship experiences on Sunday mornings. We have spend a good deal of time planning and researching how we can take LifeKIDS to the next level of service and involvement for the volunteers and children.
First, we have a great group of selfless volunteers at Life Church who are pouring into this children every Sunday morning. They serve a couple times every 6 weeks and just love leading, serving, teaching and worshiping with them. I'm also really proud of all the new volunteers that have recently committed to volunteering. These people make LifeKIDS happen.
We are also moving into a new season of different curriculum we will use for LifeKIDS. I think this will be another building block of teaching these children the basic truths from Scripture that they can plant in their hearts as we lead them to become follower devoted followers of Christ.
To hear the stories of these children going home and reciting Scripture, being excited about coming to church and then the stories of parents and their excitement for their children's growth in their faith or learning what it is to follow Christ...it's just amazing.
LifeKIDS is not an afterthought at Life Church. These children and our youth are the church NOW. We are not waiting till they become married adults to call them the church. They are the church right now. What happens in LifeKIDS is as important as anything going on in the adult experience.
Get ready. It's time to take LifeKIDS to the next level. He we go!
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