Thursday, July 29, 2010
Why Numbers Matter
The other reason numbers matter is because I think it shows the heart beat of the church for those far from God. I'm not saying bigger numbers are better or the other way around, but I think a church of any size that is not growing in numbers has lost focus of what the Church really is. The Church exists for the world. It exists to preach the Gospel and be the hands and feet of Jesus. If we do that with great passion and vision then over time (whether its 1,000 or just 1 by 1) we will see our local church numbers grow because people will be finding new life in Jesus Christ.
It pains me that myself and other Christians have been okay with not seeing the numbers increase, because as I said, those numbers represent lives. It's not numbers for the sake of numbers. It numbers for the sake of the Gospel to see lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.
My prayer is that the local churches of western North Carolina and Franklin, NC become fed up with not seeing people come to their church to hear the Gospel and know Christ's perfect love. They will come and the "numbers" will increase as we act like the church God wants us to be by serving, caring for and loving our neighbors, co-workers, friends and family.
Will you help me help increase the numbers (lives changed by Jesus love and the power of the Gospel we have to show and preach)?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Around Life
- The worship team was amazing yesterday. The sound and skill of our team never ceases to amaze me, but more importantly, they love to lead people in to a Spirit filled time of worshiping God. If you're not reading our Worship Pastor Jason Nicholas' blog, you need to.
- We wrapped up our last week of At The Movies. It was another powerful day. Even through our trials and sufferings we have to chase after the God given dreams He has given us. Don't know what your God given dream is? Starting praying for it today!
- I love meeting new people. It is so cool to see and meet 20 or 30 new people almost every week! Keep inviting your friends, co-workers and anyone else you meet to Life Church.
- We are excited to announce the addition of Lisa Hanna to our staff! Lisa will be starting full time with us in August as our LifeKIDS Coordinator. I will be adding a short video interview on this blog with Lisa later this week so you can get to know her.
Have a great week!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Oh How Things Change Around Here
Obviously, the Gospel and it's message never changes, but they way we minister to people does.
This morning I was looking back at how things have changed at LCF. Last year on the same Sunday as this past weekend we had 185 people in attendance. This past Sunday we had 335! That's a huge increase. Our giving is more than double what it was last year this time. Our LifeKIDS ministry continues to blow up and we now have 3 times the amount of Life Groups as we did last year this time. Oh, how things change!
I believe God is priming us for even greater things than we have seen yet and with that (you guessed it!), brings change. So, this weekend I have a really exciting announcement about our LifeKIDS ministry that will bring an amazing amount of positive change and continue to allow us to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Around Life
- We are in the middle of a great series called At The Movies. We hope you are enjoying it and are inviting lots of people. This is a one run only series, so you can not go back and watch these messages on our site.
- Life Groups are continuing to grow. It looks as though we are going to be starting 4 more LG in August and September as well. We have over 100 Lifers plugged into these groups right now and we are making more space for more people. As the groups continue to work through Francis Chan's Crazy Love book I am hearing some great feedback. Groups are having some very really and challenging discussions.
- It's hard to believe but school is right around the corner. Be on the lookout for some special plans we have for our LifeKIDS.
- There are a bunch of you continuing to read through the New Testament in 30 days with the New Thru 30 Reading Plan. It's so great to see this happening. If you are behind or want to start just jump right in and join us. Don't worry of you are behind, just go with it.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Church In The Park Highlights
Church in the Park July 4th from Life Church on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday Reflections
I love Johnny Cash! Wow, today was an amazing experience at Life Church as we dove into week one of At The Movies. We looked at the movie Walk The Line that describes the ups and downs of musician Johnny Cash.
I was reminded of how so many of us live in the hurt of our past just as Cash did, when Christ died so that we might be set free and made righteous in the sight of out Father. I believe many people decided to let God set them free of their hurts and move forward in the strength and power found in Christ alone.
I made the comment at the end of the experience today and I do mean it, but I love each and every person at Life Church. We all have different stories but I love to hear and see all God is doing in so many of you.
Its and honor to lead and serve the people of LCF.
What and amazing Sunday and way to start our week. God is good.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Church In The Park
The worship experience was great fun and the music was good and loud. I was able to share for a few minutes about Unstoppable Vision as we wrapped up week 5 of the One Prayer series. It was so much fun to share our heart and vision for Life Church that God has given us for this community. Over the coming days and weeks I am going to share more about these core values and how they work in alignment with the vision God has given us for Life Church.
I have to thank the volunteers for all their work and support. It was a lot of work and time, but it was worth it and just plain awesomeness.
Thanks for being a part of Life Church and all God is doing here.
Check out some of the pictures myself and Worship Pastor Jason Nicholas took with our phones. We will have more pictures to share very soon on our Facebook page.