Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh How Things Change Around Here

One thing I've never been shy about sharing with people who plug into Life Church is that we are always open to change when God clearly gives us an opportunity. We know that ministry creativity, planning, execution and layout can and will change. We have to change to stay in the flow of what God is showing, giving and directing us towards.
Obviously, the Gospel and it's message never changes, but they way we minister to people does.
This morning I was looking back at how things have changed at LCF. Last year on the same Sunday as this past weekend we had 185 people in attendance. This past Sunday we had 335! That's a huge increase. Our giving is more than double what it was last year this time. Our LifeKIDS ministry continues to blow up and we now have 3 times the amount of Life Groups as we did last year this time. Oh, how things change!
I believe God is priming us for even greater things than we have seen yet and with that (you guessed it!), brings change. So, this weekend I have a really exciting announcement about our LifeKIDS ministry that will bring an amazing amount of positive change and continue to allow us to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.


Anonymous said...

awesome to see the change that has taken place in life church over the past year! this change has allowed me to personally change as well....and let God do his thing in my life! praying for the leadership of life church and all that is in store for Gods people!

Anonymous said...

Keep the change coming....keep dreaming big for Life Church Franklin!