Thursday, July 15, 2010

Around Life

Here's a few things going on at Life Church right now:

- We are in the middle of a great series called At The Movies. We hope you are enjoying it and are inviting lots of people. This is a one run only series, so you can not go back and watch these messages on our site.

- Life Groups are continuing to grow. It looks as though we are going to be starting 4 more LG in August and September as well. We have over 100 Lifers plugged into these groups right now and we are making more space for more people. As the groups continue to work through Francis Chan's Crazy Love book I am hearing some great feedback. Groups are having some very really and challenging discussions.

- It's hard to believe but school is right around the corner. Be on the lookout for some special plans we have for our LifeKIDS.

- There are a bunch of you continuing to read through the New Testament in 30 days with the New Thru 30 Reading Plan. It's so great to see this happening. If you are behind or want to start just jump right in and join us. Don't worry of you are behind, just go with it.

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