Monday, September 15, 2008

You Don't Have What It Takes

Sunday we began our new series called "You Don't Have What It Takes".
It's not the words you envision telling people everyday. "Hey Joe, you have what it takes!". That's very PC, now is it?
Anyhow, yesterday Craig started with the first week saying "you're not good enough". Again, not the words you really want to hear from someone. I think we all want to believe we are good enough. Good enough at being a friend, a co-worker a parent. What Craig went on to say was that we are not good enough to work our way to God. We are not good enough to do enough good works to make it to heaven. Flat out, we are not good enough for God as we are before knowing Christ. Through Christ we are made new and redeemed in God's eyes to be good enough for eternal life with Him. That's awesome.
I know I am thrilled to know I don't have to try and be a good person to make it to heaven. Of course, I life with Christ will bear fruits of good things, but that's becuase Jesus has saved us.
I hope you are set free today from believing you have to be good enough for God. Let go of set in God's grace and know that you are only good enough because of Jesus' gift of salvation.


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