Monday, December 8, 2008

Do You Hear God's Whispers In Your Life?

Yesterday was awesome. We were presented an incredible message from Bill Hybels called "Whispers". He just spoke from his heart. There was no outline or notes to the message, just an outpouring of his experiences when God whispered to him.
If you haven't watched the message please do so. It's worth it.
After watching the message I realized how often God had whispered to me and Laurel, especially in the last year with Life Church Franklin.
Here is the deal though...just because your not a pastor or super spiritual (I am not) doesn't mean God will not speak to you. Most of the time we just need to shut up long enough to hear His voice.
My prayer this week is for you to listen and hear god whispering to you what plans He has for you.
Reaching out to a neighbor...calling an old friend...forgiving an old generously to someone in need...etc...
Don't tune in the world so loud that you tune out God's whispers in your life.

Be blessed.

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