Thursday, January 1, 2009

What will 2009 be for you?

2009 is here. 2008 is no longer. The past is the past. It's gone. It's sad...but really it's good. We can't live in yesterday. It's time to move on. The moment is here and "poof" it's gone.
What has happened at Life Church Franklin the last 11 months has been nothing short of amazing for me. Despite my shortcomings, God has done so much. We have seen people come back to God...other come to Him for the first times...marriages restored...people excited about serving others...very generous giving...and lots more.
As I looked back on 2008 I am so thankful, but I realize it's time to move on. Many people are hurting and broken. They need the loving gift of Jesus in their life. We have to bring it to them. Not the shove it down the throat and scare them from hell way, but build relationships with them and point them to Jesus. It's not us who saves them anyways. It's God. He is the one.
I hope and pray 2009 is another incredible year of building strong and more influential community here in Franklin that leads people to Christ. He is the whole reason we do what we do at Life Church.
Let's go do it and make Jesus famous!
Happy New year.

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