Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday Reflections

First off, let me just say that God is so good. Yesterday was an amazing time of continued building of His church. I am humbled and honored to be a part of it as leading a local church.

Here's some random thoughts from Sunday:

- Yesterday was out largest gathering to date. We had over 125 people meeting yesterday. There is still room for more invite your friends and family this week!
- Week 2 of our Trueish message was amazing. God doesn't want you happy when it causes you to do something wrong or unwise or when it's only based on the things of this world.
- I am praying my happiness is based in being in God's will...not on the next thing I buy.
- Life Church Franklin is a Network church of Basically, the only association we have with is using their resources. WE have our own local leadership, finances, etc...
- Are we a "TV Church"? I don't know. I don't really care. I think it's actually hilarious that people around Franklin call us that. Here's the deal:
Worship, kids stuff and everything is live and local. The teaching is done buy video. The teaching is relevant, engaging and life changing through the power of Scripture. If I were to have the choice between a capable, relevant, God inspired, life changing teacher who presents the message of Jesus with hope, love and passion through video OR a stale, boring, passionless, misguided, irrelevant, live in person teacher; I'm taking the video teaching every time!
I think it is a slap in the face of God to say video teaching can't work to present the Gospel and change people's lives. That's like me saying Southern Gospel music can't be worship music. Do I like Southern Gospel? No. Does that give me the right to trash it? No. God can use it just as He does video teaching every week at Life Church Franklin.
If you doubt it. Come try us sometime soon. Then throw your rocks at us. Just don't throw them till you've tried it.
- Lastly, I am continuing to dream big and ask God for huge things. I hope you are too.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that I really enjoy all that life church has to offer. I feel like it is as close to the way that God meant for church to be as any I have been to.

As for people who call us a TV church,...they should check their history. Where do they think that 2/3 of the New Testament came from?

Churches would meet together and sing worship songs, fellowship and read the newest epistles from authors such as Paul, Peter, James and John. Sound familiar?

Life Church is just using modern tecnology to spread the Word of God and its relevant message.

Life Church Franklin said...

You are exactly right Lynn. Thanks for the comments.

Anonymous said...

Patrick and Laurel ~
I've had a heart for a church like this to come to Franklin for many years. I pray God blesses your efforts and he leads people into a relationship with him! All the Best~ Anne Page