Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday Reflections

It was great to see everyone yesterday at Life Church Franklin as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus this week during Christmas. Here's a few thoughts from yesterday's message:

- The worship team did a great job. They had to basically redo the whole sound system because the house system was being used by the theater for the choir show going on this weekend. No worries though, because the worship team came through and made it happen. I hope everyone realizes how talented this team is, but more so their heart to lead you into a time to worship God through music.

- The Christmas songs we sang we great. I love the Fee song we did where the chorus leads into Joy To The World. The verse is great too..."All of heaven and all creation sing, the wonders of His love."

- We had a great turnout even with the snow over the weekend. The roads were pretty safe throughout the area, but some folks driveways were a little sketchy, but we still had an above average turnout.

- I was so thankful for all the positive feedback from yesterday's message. When you talk about money, tithing and giving in church some people get sort angry, annoyed or just ticked off. We've never been scared or ashamed to talk about the importance of the tithe (giving 10 percent). I think Craig did an amazing job explaining the tithe and why it's important. Watch the message here.

- Here are some of the key points I took away from yesterday.
- I will give God my first and my best so he can bless the rest.
- Tithing teaches me to put God first
- It requires faith to give first. If you give last, it doesn't require faith.
"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing." - Proverbs 3:9-10

- I was whooped after this weekend. We have been battling some sickness in our house and honestly I was so tired at LCF tomorrow, but I am so thankful it's not about me. Once again, God showed his wisdom, strength and love through the worship experience at LCF. He is the reason we keep moving...the reason I keep moving. Guys, we serve an awesome God who is always faithful. I am honored and humbled by his grace and love that I can serve at LCF.

Have an awesome week. Merry Christmas!


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