Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LifeKIDS is blowing up

I received an attendance report this morning from our LifeKIDS team that showed we had 66 kids at LK this past Sunday! That is amazing. I think just validates the vision for LifeKIDS that there is a huge opportunity to reach so many kids with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this ministry. To be able to partner with parents in their leading of their children in becoming fully devoted followers of Christ is so humbling and honoring to our teams.

I have to give a huge shout out to our LK teams and leaders who are making Quest, Motion, All Stars and The Loop happen every Sunday at Life Church. If your child is 12 and under and your not taking advantage of LifeKIDS you really are missing out. We now even have a class for 1 year olds in Quest!

All I can say is God is good!


1 comment:

Kristy Daigle said...

The Life Kids are awesome! Thank you to the parents for letting us spend time with them.