Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Reflections

After 2 years of seeing God build a serving and loving church at Life Church Franklin, it never ceases to amaze me at how God just continues to shake people up . Today was no exception.
I had the pleasure of team teaching with Craig Groeschel this morning as we begin week 1 of the new series Red Letter Day. As we focused on Christ's final moments as he was led to and hung on the cross, we spoke on what to do and remember when we don't understand.
He's the 3 points I touched on this morning:
1) God is good.
2) God is for me.
3) God is with me.
Fact is, life doesn't always make sense. We don't always understand. But, because of who God is and because of his past faithfulness, we can hang on to these 3 truths.

If it doesn't make sense or you don't understand this week just cling to these 3 truths:
1) God is good.
2) God is for me.
3) God is with me.

1 comment:

Lori Correa said...

Throughout my own life experiences, I have wondered where God is. The truth remains and I have witnessed that God is Good and God is faithful. I still don't understand the why's and how's from time to time, but trusting in Him puts the doubt to rest.