Monday, July 26, 2010

Around Life

Here's a few thoughts from yesterday's worship experience and other happenings at Life Church:

- The worship team was amazing yesterday. The sound and skill of our team never ceases to amaze me, but more importantly, they love to lead people in to a Spirit filled time of worshiping God. If you're not reading our Worship Pastor Jason Nicholas' blog, you need to.

- We wrapped up our last week of At The Movies. It was another powerful day. Even through our trials and sufferings we have to chase after the God given dreams He has given us. Don't know what your God given dream is? Starting praying for it today!

- I love meeting new people. It is so cool to see and meet 20 or 30 new people almost every week! Keep inviting your friends, co-workers and anyone else you meet to Life Church.

- We are excited to announce the addition of Lisa Hanna to our staff! Lisa will be starting full time with us in August as our LifeKIDS Coordinator. I will be adding a short video interview on this blog with Lisa later this week so you can get to know her.

Have a great week!



Bonnie said...

What a great week! Excited about Lisa's work. Always moved by Jason and the Worship Team and blessed to have the leadership and fellowship at Life Church!

Johnnyatthebod said...

HEY LIFE CHURCH!!!! Great job guys... keep up the good work. God is going to blow it up in Franklin through you guys! Blessings.